Facebook/Skill rumahan

Because the texture of rice is soft and moist, rice usually sticks easily to the rice ladle.

  25 Mei 2024 14:29

Brilio.net - Rice ladles are generally made of heat-resistant plastic, so they don't melt easily when they come into contact with freshly cooked rice. However, because the texture of rice is soft and moist, it usually sticks easily to the rice ladle. If you don't clean the ladle straight away, the rice that is left sticky might dry out, you know.

Preventing rice from sticking to the ladle can be done with a number of tricks. For example, wrap the ladle in plastic first before using it. On the other hand, there are also those who choose to soak the ladle in water after using it to scoop rice .

However, if you don't want to use plastic or soak it in water, don't worry because there are other tricks. One of the netizens who uses the Facebook Skills home account shared a trick to prevent rice from sticking to the ladle, namely relying on one kitchen ingredient.

Effective trick to prevent rice from sticking to the ladle  Facebook

photo: Facebook/Home skills

The trick so that rice doesn't stick to the ladle uses one kitchen ingredient.

So, you only need cooking oil. Yup, cooking oil is the main kitchen ingredient to practice this trick to prevent rice from sticking to the ladle. You can use any cooking oil you have in the kitchen. Pour a little cooking oil on the ladle, then spread evenly.

"Vegetable oil can be any brand," emphasized the owner of the home-based Facebook Skill account, quoted by BrilioFood on Saturday (25/5).

Effective trick to prevent rice from sticking to the ladle  Facebook

photo: Facebook/Home skills

After that, the ladle can be used directly to take rice from the rice cooker or magic com. Guaranteed your ladle won't be full of sticky rice anymore, because it's been filled with oil.

Effective trick to prevent rice from sticking to the ladle  Facebook

photo: Facebook/Home skills

How about it, are you interested in trying a trick to prevent rice from sticking to the ladle like this too? Taking a peek at the Home Skills Facebook post, apart from having been watched up to 44 thousand times, there are also a number of netizens leaving various enthusiastic comments, you know.

"I already know... Apply vegetable oil or use a plastic bag," wrote IDea Akir on Facebook.

"Top, use coconut oil and/or olive oil which you can drink so it's healthier ' ," added Facebook M Yana Yana.

How to clean a dull rice ladle.

Cleaning a dull rice ladle can be done using several simple methods using ingredients that are easy to find at home. Here are some ways you can try.

1. Using vinegar and baking soda.

- Soak the rice ladle in a mixture of vinegar and water for about 30 minutes.

- After soaking, sprinkle baking soda on the rice ladle, then rub with a sponge or old toothbrush.

- Rinse with clean water until the remaining vinegar and baking soda are gone.

- Wipe with a clean cloth and dry.

2. Using lemon and salt.

- Cut the lemon into two parts, then sprinkle salt on the dull surface of the rice ladle.

- Rub the surface of the rice ladle with a slice of lemon sprinkled with salt.

- Rinse with clean water until the remaining lemon and salt are gone.

- Wipe with a clean cloth and dry.

3. Using toothpaste.

- Apply toothpaste to the entire surface of the rice ladle.

- Use an old toothbrush to rub the rice ladle with toothpaste.

- Rinse with clean water until the remaining toothpaste is gone.

- Wipe with a clean cloth and dry.

4. Use hot water and dish soap.

- Soak the rice ladle in hot water mixed with dish soap for a few minutes.

- Use a sponge or brush to scrub the surface of the rice ladle.

- Rinse with clean water until the remaining soap is gone.

- Wipe with a clean cloth and dry.

Additional tips.

- Always make sure the rice ladle is dried well after washing to prevent the formation of stains or odors.
- Avoid using cleaning agents that are too abrasive to prevent scratches on the surface of the rice ladle.

With these methods, your rice ladle will be clean and look like new.
