YouTube/Clever Hacks

Because usually, just mopping with mop soap is not effective enough to make the floor dirty and smell good.

  18 Juni 2024 19:00 - Clean and fragrant house floors are definitely the result of regular mopping. Apart from routine, choosing the right cleaning agent for mopping is also important, you know. Because usually, just mopping with mop soap is not effective enough to make the floor dirty and smell good.

To get satisfactory results, many people mop using the trick of adding hot water. Hot water is believed to be more effective in making floors rougher. On the other hand, there are also those who choose to mop using dish soap, salt, vinegar and other ingredients to make the floor even more rough and fragrant.

However, unlike netizens who use YouTube Clever Hacks, this woman admits that she has other mopping tricks that are no less effective in making the floor clean and fragrant. According to him, to practice this trick, you only need one additional kitchen ingredient that is usually used for cooking.

"In addition to the beautiful scent, it also repels some insects (Apart from making the floor smell good, this mopping trick also prevents the appearance of insects)," said the owner of the YouTube account Clever Hacks, quoted by BrilioFood on Tuesday (18/6).

Before getting into the trick, first prepare enough clean water and mop soap in a bucket. Then, add just a little cinnamon powder. Yup, cinnamon is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing this floor mopping trick.

Not only ground cinnamon, you can also use cinnamon sticks. To do this, just boil a few cinnamon sticks in boiling water until the fragrance comes out, then add the cinnamon to a mixture of water and mop soap.

Tricks for mopping floors so they are rough, fragrant and ant-free  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Clever Hacks

Stir until all the ingredients are evenly mixed, then dip the mop into it. Wring the mop until it is no longer too wet, then immediately wipe the entire floor of the house with the mop.

Reporting from, cinnamon used to mop the floor is effective in making it smell good and preventing insects from coming. On the other hand, this spice is also antibacterial, so it can make the floor more hygienic.

Tricks for mopping floors so they are rough, fragrant and ant-free  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Clever Hacks

Interesting to imitate, right?
