Any uploaded content can be a loophole for criminals.

  23 September 2024 23:30 - Recently, a robbery case involving a housewife in Bogor Regency has become the public spotlight. Resti, who is active on TikTok social media, often shows off the construction of her luxury home. As a result, her house became the target of a tragic robbery. Unfortunately, the incident also claimed the life of her husband.

This incident has made many people more vigilant in maintaining home security, especially if they often share their personal lives on social media. The death of Resti's husband in the incident raised awareness of the importance of protecting homes from the threat of crime. Not only property, but family safety is also at stake.

Although often not realized, all uploaded content can be a loophole for criminals. Likewise, the content of a house, especially every corner, can attract the interest of thieves.

So, how do you keep your home safe and not easily targeted by robbers? Check out nine ways to prevent thieves from breaking into your home, compiled by from various sources on Monday (23/9).

1. Avoid showing off your house on social media.

Here are 9 ways to prevent thieves from breaking into your house  2024


Don't show off your home or valuables too often on social media. Thieves often monitor social media for targets. For them, content like this is a clear indication of the condition of the home and the expensive items inside. Make sure your social media accounts are set to private or only shared with close friends.

2. Install a sophisticated security system.

A good security system, such as CCTV and alarms, is the first step in protecting your home from theft. Make sure cameras are installed in strategic areas, such as the entrance, garage, and backyard. An alarm system connected to your phone can also provide instant alerts if something suspicious is seen.

3. Make sure the doors and windows are locked tightly.

Here are 9 ways to prevent thieves from breaking into your house  2024


Often, burglars take advantage of the negligence of homeowners who forget to lock doors or windows. Use double locks and install additional locks if necessary. Also, use automatic locks or sensors that can detect doors or windows that are not properly closed.

4. Take advantage of good lighting.

A dark house tends to attract more thieves. Install lights outside the house, especially in dark and out-of-sight areas. Motion-sensor lights can also be an effective solution, as they will turn on automatically if there is movement around the house.

5. Don't let the house look empty.

When on vacation or traveling far, make sure your house doesn't look empty. Ask a neighbor to help pick up incoming mail or packages so they don't pile up in front of your house. Also, use a timer to turn on lights inside your house at certain times, so it looks like someone is inside.

6. Build good relationships with neighbors.

Here are 9 ways to prevent thieves from breaking into your house  2024


Good neighbors can be an added security system. Build a close relationship with your neighbors, so they can help keep an eye on your home while you're away. Caring neighbors will be quicker to report suspicious activity around the house.

7. Avoid storing valuables in easily accessible places.

Store valuables, such as jewelry and important documents, in a place that is difficult for thieves to access. Consider installing a safe with a combination or password lock. Don't leave valuables in visible places, such as near windows.

8. Plant trees or fences as barriers.

Here are 9 ways to prevent thieves from breaking into your house  2024

photo: Zigic

If possible, put up a fence around your house or plant trees that can act as a natural barrier to burglars. However, make sure that the plants or fence are not too high so that they block the view from outside. Fences and plants can provide additional protection, but they should also be easy to monitor.

9. Report to the authorities if there is any suspicious activity.

If you or your neighbors see suspicious activity around your home, report it to authorities immediately. Don't wait until something bad happens. Quick action can prevent theft or other crimes.

Resti's robbery case is a reminder to all of us about the importance of maintaining privacy and home security. While sharing your personal life on social media can be fun, make sure not to provide information that makes it easier for thieves. By implementing the right security measures, you can protect your family and belongings from the threat of theft.
