Instagram/@ninazeidien - Turmeric stains on cutting boards are often a problem that is difficult to overcome in the kitchen. Especially if the cutting board is made of plastic. Turmeric, with its strong natural coloring properties, has curcumin pigment that easily sticks to surfaces, including plastic cutting boards.
The natural nature of curcumin is that it dissolves in fat and tends to stick to plastic pores. This makes turmeric stains very difficult to clean . Additionally, contact with acidic or alkaline ingredients during the cooking process can intensify this coloring. As a result, plastic cutting boards look dull and permanently stained .
But you know what? Actually, these turmeric stains can still be removed, you know. Some people sometimes use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to remove it. However, there are other ingredients that are no less effective in making plastic cutting boards shine again.
Well, this material was used by the owner of the Instagram account @ninazeidien. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on two simple ingredients to wash yellow cutting boards. Reported by BrilioFood on Wednesday (3/7), the ingredients used were toothpaste and salt.
Tricks to get rid of turmeric stains on cutting boards
How to use it is quite easy. First, apply enough toothpaste to the surface of the plastic cutting board that is stained with turmeric. While applying, rub with toothpaste so that it becomes even and absorbed.
Tricks to get rid of turmeric stains on cutting boards
Next, sprinkle salt all over the surface of the cutting board, especially those that are stained. After that, scrub again using an old toothbrush. For maximum results, let it sit for a while so that the two ingredients are absorbed and help fade the stain.
Tricks to get rid of turmeric stains on cutting boards
After letting it sit, rinse the cutting board and wash it thoroughly as usual. You can use soap to remove stuck toothpaste residue. Once done, dry it and the cutting board can be used again as usual, for cutting various kinds of food.
This post about tricks for removing turmeric stains from cutting boards has been viewed more than 2,000 times. Who would have thought, many other Instagram users were interested and also provided direct responses in the comments column. Most of these netizens expressed their gratitude for gaining useful new knowledge.
"Thanks for sharing sis, you have to try it," said Instagram @fifinimartiyana.
"You know, bro, thanks for the tips," explained Instagram @mama_syfathan.
"It's that easy, practical, bro," wrote the Instagram account @achiukoe.
"That's cool, thanks for the tips mom," commented the Instagram account @octarinadina.
"Thanks for the tips, they're really useful," said Instagram @cookingwith_vee.