foto: YouTube/syafaat MB

An effective way to clean a stone mortar from spice residue and unpleasant odors with just one simple ingredient.

  23 September 2024 23:00 - The use of a mortar is often the secret key to the deliciousness of chili sauce. For many people, a mortar is considered to be able to enhance the taste of chili sauce to be more delicious. It is no wonder that many people still rely on mortars, even though now there are many electronic devices for grinding spices.

In addition to chili sauce, cobek is also often used to grind other spices that will be used in cooking. Starting from garlic, shallots, nuts, spices, and various other spices. Stone cobek is often chosen because it has a heavier mass and can more easily grind food.

Unfortunately, stone mortars tend to have pores on their surface. This texture makes it easy for ground spices to enter the pores. These spice residues are difficult to clean and often leave marks. Not only does it make the mortar look dirty, but the spice residue can also leave an unpleasant odor.

Dishwashing soap alone is not enough to overcome this. Therefore, you must use other methods and materials to clean the stone mortar. Luckily, a YouTube user named Syafaat MB once shared a trick to clean the stone mortar from spice residue and unpleasant odors.

Through one of the videos uploaded, he initially admitted that his stone mortar had not been used for a long time. Well, when he was about to use it, the condition of the mortar was very dirty and full of spice residue. In addition, the smell was also unpleasant.

Therefore, the YouTube user uses special ingredients and methods. As reported by BrilioFood on Monday (23/9), the ingredients used are coconut dregs (which have been extracted from the essence and cooking vinegar). Well, this dregs will help remove the remaining spices, while the vinegar helps remove the unpleasant odor in the mortar.

"So that it doesn't smell of other spices. So that our chili sauce is not affected by other spices," said YouTube intercessor M.

tricks to clean spice residue and bad smells on stone mortars  YouTube

photo: YouTube/syafaat MB

How to clean it, put the dregs on the surface of the mortar. Then flatten and sprinkle with enough vinegar. If so, grind the dregs using a stone mortar until smooth and changes color.

"Later, the color will change, because the dirt or traces of spices that are still stuck in the mortar will all come out and the smell will disappear, like the pungent smell of onions will disappear," he explained further.

tricks to clean spice residue and bad smells on stone mortars  YouTube

photo: YouTube/syafaat MB

Sure enough, after being ground, the color of the dregs which were originally white turned yellowish. This indicates that the remaining spices have been absorbed into the dregs. If it has turned yellow and dirty, immediately take and throw away the dregs.

tricks to clean spice residue and bad smells on stone mortars  YouTube

photo: YouTube/syafaat MB

For maximum results, do the grinding process 2-3 times with new dregs so that the remaining spices and unpleasant odors are completely gone. The more often you replace (the coconut dregs), the cleaner the grinding results will be. In the final grinding results, the remaining dregs will usually be whiter and cleaner (compared to the first or second grinding).

tricks to clean spice residue and bad smells on stone mortars  YouTube

photo: YouTube/syafaat MB

The next step, rinse the stone mortar with clean water. Then scrub the surface using a rough brush. That way, the surface of the mortar will be rougher and cleaner. Even the slime and dirt from the spices are completely gone.

"Then the smell is gone, it's neutral again because there was vinegar and coconut dregs," explained YouTuber Syafaat MB.

tricks to clean spice residue and bad smells on stone mortars  YouTube

photo: YouTube/syafaat MB

Since it was uploaded in November 2022, this video has been watched more than 2,000 times. But who would have thought, many netizens were interested and claimed to be helped by the video. This was expressed directly through the comments column.

"The explanation is very good," said YouTube @berlianisimamora1603.

"Great, bro, for the education," said YouTube @auretho007.

"Very good explanation, " said YouTube @udirungkad.

"Oh, that's how to use coconut dregs and vinegar to make the mortar clean again, thanks for the knowledge, friend," explained YouTube @tarunagarden3222.

"Thank you for the tutorial on how to clean a mortar that has not been used for a long time. This method is very useful for all of us," said YouTube @J4L4NAN.
