foto: Instagram/@lia_diana88

Can be tried for those who are lazy to wash rags.

  6 September 2024 14:00 - Sambal has become one of the menus that cannot be separated from Indonesian cuisine. Not only as a complement, but also an important part that adds flavor and pleasure to every bite. Even for some people, it feels incomplete if a heavy meal is not served with sambal.

Although it looks like a simple side dish, the process of making it is quite troublesome. Basic ingredients such as chilies, onions, tomatoes, and shrimp paste must be processed in the right way to produce delicious chili sauce. This process usually involves two main stages, namely cooking the ingredients to bring out their natural aroma and taste. Then grinding or smoothing the ingredients with a mortar and pestle.

For some people, the difficulty in making chili sauce is not only in the cooking and grinding process, but also when washing the cooking utensils. The reason is, the mortar and pestle used are usually made of heavy stone. If you only cook chili sauce in small portions, of course washing a heavy mortar can be very troublesome.

This was experienced by a netizen named Lia Diana. In one of her uploads on the Instagram account @lia_diana88, Lia once uploaded a short video while making chili sauce with the caption 'Just find something easy'. After further examination, it turns out that she made chili sauce in an anti-mainstream way.

This woman's way of making chili sauce is practical  Instagram

photo : Instagram/@lia_diana88

As reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @lia_diana88 on Thursday (5/9), Lia apparently did not use a mortar to grind the chili sauce. She actually ground the chili directly in the pan used to fry the chili sauce ingredients so that she could save on washing. Indeed, some types of chili sauce usually need to be fried first so that the aroma of the spices comes out more and makes the chili sauce more delicious.

This woman's way of making chili sauce is practical  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@lia_diana88

Like Lia did, she fried the chili sauce ingredients such as tomatoes, onions, and chilies. Then after they were cooked, she immediately ground the ingredients in a frying pan. Lia seemed to be grinding the chili sauce ingredients using a large stone mortar. Then the chili sauce ingredients were immediately smooth like when ground in a mortar.

Unfortunately, this method of making chili sauce makes netizens think twice when they want to imitate it. Not without reason, the pan used is a non-stick Teflon pan . Then the mortar used to smooth the chili sauce can certainly scratch the surface of the Teflon and damage the cooking utensil.

This woman's way of making chili sauce is practical  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@lia_diana88

Even so, many people are interested in the content. Among the more than 461 thousand viewers, there are a number of other Instagram users who claim to have often applied the method of making chili sauce as in the video. The reason is, many people complain when washing the mortar because it is heavy, so it is quite troublesome.

"Same, I'm too lazy to wash the mortar," said Instagram @_dayuisna_.

"I usually finish frying it in a ceramic bowl and don't wash it with a heavy mortar," explained Instagram @wiee_lovers.

"Thank God, there is a new idea for nyambel for those who don't want to take out the tincture but want to eat sambel," said Instagram @lemanfitri.

"Wow, I didn't expect something like this," wrote the Instagram account @syifa_idhaa.

"Washing at the same time, aka getting dirty at the same time," commented the Instagram account @terlalupahit25.
