foto: YouTube/Rayyan Al Ghazali

A practical way to boil free-range chicken, so you don't have to spend a long time processing it into your favorite menu.

  23 September 2024 14:00 - Sources of protein for daily consumption vary widely, such as eggs, beef, fish, shrimp, and chicken. Chicken is one of the favorite choices of many people because it tastes good and is high in nutrition. Reported from, chicken contains vitamin B complex, protein, minerals, and so on.

Chicken is also divided into several types, such as broiler chicken and kampung chicken. Kampung chicken meat is believed to be healthier and of better quality because it is raised in a large area, thus producing higher nutrition. It is no wonder that kampung chicken is often chosen as a baby food menu to support the growth process.

However, kampung chicken meat has a tougher texture, so it takes a long time to cook until done. If boiled without a pressure cooker, it usually takes more than 1 hour for kampung chicken meat to become tender. Therefore, many people prefer to use a pressure cooker to save gas and cooking time.

However, there is a trick to boiling free-range chicken that can be imitated for those who do not have a pressure cooker. This trick was shared by netizens on the YouTube account Rayyan Al Ghazali. This trick only takes 30 minutes and not only makes free-range chicken tender, but also free from fishy odor. Curious about how to do it?

Prepare the cleaned pieces of free-range chicken in a frying pan. After that, add enough water. For 1 free-range chicken, the netizen familiarly called Mama Rayyan uses 500 ml of water. Next, cover the entire free-range chicken with two banana leaves.

"The function of the banana leaves is to make the chicken smell good," said YouTube account owner Rayyan Al Ghazali, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (23/9).

Tricks for boiling free-range chicken using banana leaves  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Rayyan Al Ghazali

After placing the banana leaves, also put a lid on the pan. However, instead of using a lid the size of the diameter of the pan, the owner of the YouTube account Rayyan Al Ghazali chose to use a smaller lid so that he could press all the chicken pieces so that they would not move easily. Then, the lid of the pan is given any weight, for example a glass pyrex pan.

Tricks for boiling free-range chicken using banana leaves  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Rayyan Al Ghazali

Next, turn on the stove to medium heat and boil the free-range chicken for about 30 minutes so that the texture is really tender. During the boiling process, the pyrex pan, pan lid, or banana leaves should not be opened at all so that the boiled free-range chicken is really tender. Later, after boiling, the boiled water will shrink and the natural oil from the free-range chicken will come out by itself.

"It's very tender, when you stab it with a fork, the meat is very tender without any resistance," said Mama Rayyan.

Tricks for boiling free-range chicken using banana leaves  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Rayyan Al Ghazali

How, is this trick for boiling kampung chicken really practical? Are you interested in trying it at home or do you have another trick that is easier? Looking at Rayyan Al Ghazali's YouTube upload, there are not many netizens who have left comments. Even so, this video has received more than 40 thousand viewers.
