Offers an alternative trick to clean the crust on the stove burner.

  20 Desember 2024 11:00 - The stove burner is often the part that is most easily stained when cooking, because its position is very close to the pan. A dirty stove surface is usually marked by the presence of oil or crust. To restore the shine of the stove burner, there are several cleaning tricks that can be applied. One of them is to soak the burner in water that has been mixed with certain cleaning agents. Various cleaning agents can be used to remove crust on the burner, such as dish soap, vinegar, baking soda, and others.

YouTube account owner Dina Kurniawati also offers an alternative trick to clean the crust on the stove burner. This young mother explains that, instead of soaking the burner with plain water, she has another method that is just as effective in making the stove burner shine again.

What must be prepared to practice this trick is hot water. Dissolve enough citric acid and baking powder into the hot water. Yup, citric acid and baking powder are two of the three core ingredients to practice this trick to clean the crust on the stove burner.

Not soaked in water, young mother's trick to clean limescale  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Dina Kurniawati

After that, immediately soak the crusty stove burner into the solution. Let it sit for a few moments until the water is no longer too hot.

"I soak it for about 15 to 20 minutes," said YouTube account owner Dina Kurniawati, quoted by BrilioFood on Thursday (19/12).

After soaking, scrub the stove burner with a sponge or wire wool. Well, so that the scrubbing process is more effective in removing stains, you can also add enough scouring ash. This scouring ash is the third core ingredient for practicing this trick.

Once all the crust stains are gone from the stove burner, rinse the burner until it is really shiny.

Not soaked in water, young mother's trick to clean limescale  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Dina Kurniawati

So, are you interested in trying this trick to clean the crust on the stove or do you have another trick? Peeking at Dina Kurniawati's YouTube upload, in addition to being watched more than 1,000 times, several netizens also gave enthusiastic comments about this trick, you know.

How to keep the stove burner from rusting easily.

The stove burner is made of iron, so it is at risk of rusting if it has been used for years. Here's how to keep the stove burner from rusting easily.

1. Clean regularly.

Clean the stove burner regularly after use. Remove any food or liquid residue that may be stuck to the surface. These residues can cause corrosion if left for a long period of time.

2. Dry well.

Make sure the stove burner is completely dry after cleaning. Moisture can speed up the rusting process. Use a dry cloth or towel to dry it.

3. Use protection.

You can use a special protector or cover to protect the stove burner from moisture. This can help prevent rust and extend its lifespan.

4. Use lubricant.

Apply a small amount of vegetable oil or other lubricant to parts that are prone to rust. This helps form a protective layer and prevents corrosion.

5. Pay attention to the storage environment.

Make sure the storage environment of the stove burner is not too humid. Store it in a dry and clean place, ideally in a room that is not exposed to too much humidity.

6. Proper use.

Avoid exposing the stove burner to excessive water or potentially corrosive liquids. Use the stove burner with care and clean it properly after use.
