YouTube/syare nomel

Because it is often out of reach, the stove burner becomes dirtier and more crusty.

  17 Desember 2024 05:00 - The stove burner is a vital component on gas stoves and built-in stoves that functions as a support for cooking utensils. This part plays an important role in supporting pots and pans during the cooking process. The correct position of the burner helps create the ideal distance between cooking utensils and the fire source.

The location of the stove burner near the fire source causes this part to often be exposed to direct heat. Its position at the bottom also causes the stove to be easily stained by spilled cooking or oil. Stains that are exposed to fire continuously can harden and form a crust that is difficult to clean.

Oil splashes on the stove burner can worsen the condition of the crust that has formed. The combination of crust and oil creates a layer that is very difficult to clean. This condition also causes the surface of the stove to become slippery and dangerous.

Regular maintenance is a key factor in maintaining the overall cleanliness of the stove. However, the burner section is often overlooked in the regular cleaning process. Negligence in cleaning the burner results in the accumulation of dirt and scale that gets worse.

Cleaning a stove that has experienced scale requires special cleaning agents such as citric acid or baking soda. Both of these ingredients are usually dissolved in water for the stove burner soaking process. The soaking method using a citric acid or baking soda solution is believed to be effective in removing layers of scale and oil that stick.

An equally effective alternative for cleaning stove burners has been shared via the YouTube channel syare nomel. This simple cleaning tutorial uses ingredients that are easily found in the kitchen. This alternative cleaning method offers a practical solution to the problem of crust on the stove burner.

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube syare nomel on Monday (16/12), the ingredients used are table vinegar and dish soap. In addition, the YouTube user also uses hot water. All of these ingredients will help remove crust and oil stains on the surface of the stove burner.

For a more detailed tutorial, first prepare a large pot. Then fill it with approximately 5 liters of water. After that, move it to the stove and boil until it really boils.

How to clean a gas stove burner using vinegar and soap  YouTube

photo: YouTube/share nomel

When it boils, turn off the stove. Then pour about 5 tablespoons of dish soap and 5-7 tablespoons of vinegar. After everything is mixed, slowly insert the stove burner into the pan.

How to clean a gas stove burner using vinegar and soap  YouTube

photo: YouTube/share nomel

When just put into hot water, some of the crust on the stove immediately comes off. However, for maximum results, soak the stove burner overnight. That way, the crust will be softer and easier to clean later.

After leaving it overnight, remove the stove burner and dry it. When it is dry, clean the remaining crust with the help of a knife and wire wool. For thick crust, scrape with a knife until it falls off.

How to clean a gas stove burner using vinegar and soap  YouTube

photo: YouTube/share nomel

"No need to worry, because this stove burner is usually designed to be scratch-resistant," said YouTuber Syare Nomel.

While scraping, rinse again in the water that soaked the stove. If there is still crust stuck, scrape it again using a knife. You can also use wire wool to remove the crust that is starting to soften. Do this process until the stove burner is completely clean.

How to clean a gas stove burner using vinegar and soap  YouTube

photo:YouTube/syare nomel

Finally, rinse the stove with running water. After that, dry it using tissue or cloth. The stove looks shinier and free of scale like new. Well, the clean stove burner can be immediately reinstalled on the stove.

How, easy enough, right? You can apply this tutorial if you want to clean the stove burner that has become thickly crusted. Without rubbing hard, the crust can be easily cleaned, you know.
