foto: YouTube/yu sitie chanel

The crust becomes easier to remove when brushed even without extra effort.

  14 Desember 2024 13:30 - The accumulation of oil and burnt food residue on the stove rack often causes a thick crust on its surface. This crust will certainly make the stove look dirty. But unfortunately, the crust that is left on the stove rack will be increasingly difficult to clean because it is thick and oily .

Washing the stovetop as usual does not solve this problem. Using dish soap and water alone is often not enough to remove hardened crust. As a result, many people become frustrated and reluctant to clean the stove regularly, which actually worsens the condition of the stovetop over time. In fact, keeping the gas stovetop clean is very important for health and safety in the kitchen.

To overcome this thick, oily crust, a more effective cleaning method and the right cleaning agent are needed. In addition, some people also often soak the stovetop overnight to soften the crust. Basically, soft crust will be easier to remove when brushed.

But instead of letting it sit overnight, you can quickly clean the stovetop using a method from YouTube user yu sitie chanel. Through one of the videos she uploaded, she admitted to only using simple ingredients found in the kitchen. Well, this ingredient can help soften the thick, oily crust on the stovetop quickly.

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube yu sitie chanel on Friday (13/12), the kitchen ingredients in question are dishwashing soap, baking soda, and vinegar. But not only that, he also relies on one other ingredient, namely citric acid. So, these three ingredients will be mixed together later.

how to get rid of thick, oily crust  YouTube

photo: YouTube/yu sitie chanel

For a clearer cleaning process, place the stovetop in a basin or bucket. Then sprinkle citric acid all over the crusty stovetop. After that, add baking soda, dish soap, and vinegar to taste. Let it sit for a while for all these ingredients to react.

how to get rid of thick, oily crust  YouTube

photo: YouTube/yu sitie chanel

Next, rinse the stovetop using hot water. Then let it sit until the water cools down. This process will help soften the thick crusts that have hardened. That way, the crust will be easier to remove when brushed even without extra effort.

how to get rid of thick, oily crust  YouTube

photo: YouTube/yu sitie chanel

Well, after soaking, immediately lift and scrub using an old toothbrush. Make sure the thick crusts are also scrubbed, okay? After that, wipe with tissue and rinse the stovetop with running water. That way, the stovetop will look shinier and dry because there is no thick, oily crust left.

Having been watched more than 90 thousand times, this video on how to remove thick, oily crust on the stovetop has immediately caught the attention of netizens. Who would have thought, many other YouTube users then gave direct responses through the comments column. Most of these netizens even admitted that the idea was very useful to imitate .

"Cool idea," said YouTube @rossarohsunah5956.

"Thanks...let's share the knowledge," said YouTube @LiaLedista-sz1yh.

"Thanks, I'll try it," said YouTube @mayangtriyanto3037.
