
Not without reason, granulated sugar that is not stored properly can cause its quality to decrease.

  11 September 2024 07:00 - Sugar is often added to various foods and drinks to increase the sweetness. Among the many types, granulated sugar is the most commonly used because it is easy to get and affordable. Therefore, granulated sugar is a staple food that is always stocked in large quantities.

However, storing granulated sugar as stock is also a challenge for some people. Not without reason, granulated sugar that is not stored properly can cause its quality to decrease. Not only that, stored granulated sugar can also become wet, so that the texture clumps.

Granulated sugar clumps because this food ingredient has hygroscopic properties, which means it easily absorbs moisture from its surroundings. If not stored properly, granulated sugar can become wet and clump, making it difficult to use and reducing its quality. Wet sugar will clump, making it difficult to measure and sprinkle evenly. In addition, sugar that is exposed to moisture is also at risk of mold or other microorganisms growing that can damage its taste and safety for consumption.

To overcome this problem, some effective preventive measures are needed. Storing granulated sugar in an airtight container is one of the best ways to prevent it from moisture. However, it is important to note that not all airtight containers can be ideal places to store granulated sugar.

This was explained by Instagram user @tinissn_. Through one of the videos uploaded, he admitted that certain types of containers can still make granulated sugar moist and clump. In addition, the placement of granulated sugar also greatly affects its quality.

This trick for storing granulated sugar keeps it from getting wet  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@tinissn_

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @tinissn_ on Tuesday (10/9), storing granulated sugar needs to be done properly. In one of his uploads, Instagram user @tinissn_ admitted that granulated sugar should not be stored in a transparent container. The reason is, this transparent container can allow sunlight to hit the granulated sugar directly.

Exposure to light, especially direct sunlight, can affect the quality of granulated sugar. While granulated sugar doesnt spoil as easily as other foods, sunlight can heat the sugar and cause moisture to form inside the container. This moisture can cause the sugar to clump and become more difficult to use.

To prevent this, it is better to store granulated sugar in a thicker container. Make sure the container is not transparent or opaque. Well, the container must also be completely airtight.

This trick for storing granulated sugar keeps it from getting wet  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@tinissn_

In addition, avoid storing spoons in containers of granulated sugar. Not without reason, spoons are objects that are easily contaminated. This can certainly cause granulated sugar to be contaminated with bacteria from outside the container which causes it to become wet or even clump. To be safer, use a special spoon to take sugar from the container.

This trick for storing granulated sugar keeps it from getting wet  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@tinissn_

On the other hand, place the sugar at a stable room temperature. Avoid storing it near the stove or near a window that emits heat. Also, avoid storing granulated sugar in the refrigerator because the cold temperature can make the sugar easily wet and clump.

Another trick in storing granulated sugar is to add a desiccant such as silica gel to help keep the sugar dry and free of lumps. With these steps, granulated sugar can maintain its quality and be ready to use at any time.
