foto: TikTok/@dilajamalia

Eating fruit every day is very beneficial. Here's an easy way to peel pineapple skin without sharp tools.

  10 September 2024 23:59 - Consuming fruit has many benefits if done routinely every day. Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and various other nutrients. One of the most popular fruits is pineapple. Pineapples are widely known in society because of their sweet, fresh, and water-rich taste, and have many benefits. According to information from, pineapple contains vitamin C, manganese, vitamin B6, folic acid, and other nutrients.

However, some people choose not to consume pineapple because it can cause itching on the tongue and mouth. According to, this is caused by the enzyme bromelain found in pineapple. However, there is no need to worry about the itching, because after a few minutes, saliva and stomach acid will neutralize it.

In addition, many people avoid pineapples because of the difficulty in peeling the skin. Pineapple skin has a spiky texture, unlike other fruits that have smooth and thin skin. Usually, to peel a pineapple, a knife or other sharp tool is needed. This process must be done carefully, often with the pineapple standing and peeling from top to bottom slowly.

Although this method is effective, there is still a risk of cutting your hands with sharp skin spines or upper leaves. However, there is another method that allows you to enjoy pineapple without having to peel the skin with a knife.

One woman from Malaysia, Dila Jamalia, shared this trick on TikTok @dilajamalia, as reported by BrilioFood on Tuesday (10/9). Dila, who has more than hundreds of thousands of followers on TikTok, showed that there is no need to use a knife at all to open a pineapple. The trick she did was quite simple and can be tried at home.

The first step, she removes the leaves or crests on the top of the pineapple. The method is to rotate the leaves and fruit in opposite directions while pulling them off with your hands. When removing the crest, Dila does it carefully and slowly, considering that the crest has many thorns at the end. For additional safety, the use of gloves when removing the pineapple crest is highly recommended.

The surefire way to peel a pineapple without any tools  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@dilajamalia

After that, Dila stomped the bottom of the pineapple 10 times on the table. She was careful when doing this so that the pineapple would not fall or hit anything else. The next step was to roll the pineapple in a slanted position until the skin felt loose.

The surefire way to peel a pineapple without any tools  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@dilajamalia

Dila then chose one of the pineapple's thorny skins and pulled it slowly until the pineapple piece came out. A surprised expression was seen on Dila's face, not expecting this method to work. She immediately bit the pineapple piece.

The surefire way to peel a pineapple without any tools  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@dilajamalia
