
This crusty frying pan not only reduces the aesthetics.

  26 Juni 2024 16:01 - The high intensity of using frying pans means that this piece of furniture often looks dirty. Usually stubborn dirt on pans comes from crust that sticks to it for a very long time. The crust is formed from burnt food residue and oil. Over time, this dirt will harden and be difficult to remove.

This crusty frying pan not only reduces the aesthetics, but also has the potential to affect the taste and quality of the food being cooked. To overcome this problem, some people sometimes choose to throw it away and instead buy a new frying pan. On the other hand, there are also those who choose to wash the frying pan to the maximum , as did a woman using Instagram @rumahdhiba.

Through one of the uploaded videos, Instagram user @rumahdhiba admitted that he has his own way of washing crusty frying pans. Well, with the special technique used, he can remove chronic crusts practically without any extra effort, you know.

Investigating further, the Instagram user used a number of kitchen ingredients to remove chronic crust on the pan. As reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @rumahdhiba on Tuesday (26/6), prepare baking soda, vinegar and dish soap. Apart from these ingredients, he also relies on toothpaste as one of his cleaning ingredients.

How to remove chronic black crust on a frying pan  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumahdhiba

First, sprinkle baking soda all over the crusty parts of the pan. After that, cover with a tissue and pour vinegar until the tissue is wet. If so, compress the pan and let it sit for 1-2 hours.

Next, mix the second cleaning agent, namely a mixture of toothpaste, dish soap and a little baking soda. Stir these three ingredients until evenly mixed. Then lift the tissue from the surface of the pan.

How to remove chronic black crust on a frying pan  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumahdhiba

If so, apply this second cleaning fluid to all crusty parts of the pan. Let sit for 30 minutes so that the crust softens. Only then rub it using a wire wool.

How to remove chronic black crust on a frying pan  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumahdhiba

Well, because the crust is soft, you don't need extra effort to make the stain fade. The crust will immediately disappear in one rub. Do this process until the pan shines again. Finally, rinse thoroughly and dry the pan. That way, the pan can be used again for cooking.

How to remove chronic black crust on a frying pan  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumahdhiba

Since it was uploaded on June 15, this video about how to remove chronic black crust on a frying pan has been viewed more than 36 thousand times. Looking at the comments column, there are a number of Instagram netizens who claim to be interested in trying this trick. On the other hand, there are also those who provide other suggestions for cleaning woks.

"Thanks for the info, Bun. I'll try it later," said Instagram @bregitavina.

"Ah, if I use sandpaper, bun... just rub it with standard sandpaper mixed with rubbing ash... it's guaranteed to shine," wrote the Instagram account @falen_balet.
