
Not everyone succeeds in getting citrus.

  4 Juni 2024 10:01 - The bottom of the frying pan will turn dirty because it burns after frequent exposure to stove fire. The burnt stains on the bottom of this pan are difficult to clean if you just scrub with a sponge and dish soap. That's why you have to know a number of tricks so that your frying pan at home is burnt free.

One trick you can do is apply citrus or citric acid. You can buy this ingredient at e-commerce or a grocery store near where you live. After all, citrus contains enough acid to help remove burnt stains on cooking utensils.

However, if you don't want to or have difficulty finding citrus fruits on the market, don't worry because there is still one more trick. This trick for cleaning burnt stains on the bottom of a frying pan without citrus was shared by Instagram account user @myversionofzen. This netizen explained that you can rely on one simple ingredient.

Come on, let's take a peek at the trick.

First, you need a clean piece of cloth, napkin, or rag. Dampen the cloth with vinegar, then place it on the bottom of the pan for 10 to 15 minutes.

"We use cloth to ensure that all the burnt crusts are compressed," emphasized the owner of the Instagram account @myversionofzen, quoted by BrilioFood on Tuesday (4/6).

After compressing with vinegar, set the cloth aside first. Then, grease the bottom of the pan with toothpaste. Yup, toothpaste is the main ingredient for practicing the trick for cleaning burnt stains on the bottom of this frying pan.

No need to use citrus, here's a trick for cleaning burnt stains  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@myversionofzen

It doesn't stop there, so that the process of cleaning burnt stains is more effective, you can also add dish soap or salt to taste. Next, rub the bottom of the pan with a rough sponge until all the burnt spots are gone.

If the bottom of the pan is free from burnt spots, rinse it immediately with running water until there is no more toothpaste or soap left. Dry the pan, then it's ready to be stored or used again for cooking.

No need to use citrus, here's a trick for cleaning burnt stains  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@myversionofzen

Wow, this trick is really practical for cleaning burnt stains on the bottom of a frying pan, isn't it? Taking a peek at @myversionofzen's Instagram upload which has been viewed 860 thousand times, quite a few other netizens have left enthusiastic comments about this pan-cleaning trick or shared other tricks.

"I chose to use's easier, quicker...not a lot of capital
If you use it, you still buy vinegar, you still buy toothpaste
Still soap
Maaahhhaaaalll," wrote Instagram @ayoexicha.

"Smear it with tomato sauce, let it sit for a few hours, then wash it and it will be clean," said Instagram @didikkridonusantoro.

"If I boil water then add 2 tablespoons of sodium pecarbonate, let it soak overnight... the crust will disappear in the pan... but this is a good method and don't try sharpening the blender blade at the same time," said Instagram @alegra1025.
