foto: YouTube/Dapurnya Bunin - A frying pan is one of the mainstay cooking utensils that is usually used for sauting and frying various dishes. Because it is used almost every day, the pan gets dirty more quickly. Moreover, the bottom of the pan is directly exposed to the stove fire. If you don't wash it regularly, blackish burnt spots will usually appear on the bottom of the pan.
The burnt stains will continue to grow and over time they can become stubborn burnt crusts that are difficult to remove, you know. To overcome this problem, a number of people choose to smear the bottom of the pan with toothpaste, then heat it on the stove. This method is considered to help remove the burnt crust on the bottom of the pan.
However, this method tends to be complicated and gas usage is wasteful. But you don't need to worry because there are still other tricks you can follow to get rid of the burnt crust on the bottom of the pan. This trick was demonstrated by YouTube user Bunin's Kitchen. He admitted that he could remove burnt crust without needing to heat it over a stove fire.
"Bunin wants to give you tips on how to clean the crust under a frying pan that hasn't been washed for a year," he said, as reported by BrilioFood on Tuesday (16/4).
trick to remove burnt crust on the bottom of the pan plus 2 kitchen ingredients
YouTube/Bunin's Kitchen
After investigating, he only relies on simple ingredients, including 2 kitchen ingredients that are easy to get. The kitchen ingredients in question are dish soap and vinegar. The YouTube user also added citrus, dabbing soap and hot water as a mixture of cleaning ingredients.
trick to remove burnt crust on the bottom of the pan plus 2 kitchen ingredients
YouTube/Bunin's Kitchen
Well, the process of making this mixture is also quite easy. First, prepare a container. Then add 2 packets of citrus, also add enough dishwashing soap, 1 bottle of vinegar, and enough hot water. Mix all the ingredients well using a brush until evenly mixed.
trick to remove burnt crust on the bottom of the pan plus 2 kitchen ingredients
YouTube/Bunin's Kitchen
Then take the pan to be washed. Then apply the cleaning liquid to the entire surface of the bottom of the pan which is covered in burnt spots.
"If it's evenly distributed, we'll leave it alone," he explained.
After leaving it for 10 minutes, the YouTube user again applied the remaining cleaning fluid to the bottom of the pan. Afterwards, the bottom of the pan is rubbed until clean.
"Next, I will rub it with a wire wool until the dirt starts to peel off, ladies," he continued.
After rubbing for a while, the YouTube user added dabbing soap. Then the bottom of the pan is rubbed again. Then after rubbing it several times, the burnt stains on the butt of the pan began to fade and fade. The bottom color of the pan started to look bright again.
trick to remove burnt crust on the bottom of the pan plus 2 kitchen ingredients
YouTube/Bunin's Kitchen
"Well, you can see the results, ladies," he concluded.
As a result, the bottom of the pan is clean and shiny like new again. How, it's very easy and practical, right?
The video on tricks for removing burnt crust on the bottom of a frying pan uploaded by a YouTube user has been watched more than 68 thousand times, you know. It's not surprising that there are netizens who are interested in trying it.
"Wow, it's cool that a burnt frying pan can be clean again, thank you, Bunin Kitchen. I hope it's useful. I'll try it," said the account @yanurisahtrirahayu2412.
"Thanks for the recipe, Bunsay.. that's how patient you are, mother.. you have to try this knowledge," said the account @azripraptiwi835.
"Very useful, thank you sis," wrote the account @srimulyatiningsih1118.
Causes of the bottom of the pan burning.Burnt pan bottoms are usually caused by several factors, including:
1. Overheating.
Heating the wok to a temperature that is too high or too long can cause the bottom of the wok to burn. This often happens when cooking over high heat or using inappropriate temperature controls.
2. Insufficient use of oil or fat.
Insufficient oil or fat on the surface of the pan can cause adhesion (sticking) of food to the pan, which can ultimately result in burning.
3. Food is cooked too long.
Cooking food for too long without supervision can cause the food to burn and stick to the bottom of the pan.
4. The surface condition of the pan is not good.
A worn or damaged pan surface can cause food to stick more easily and eventually burn.
5. Contamination or dirt on the pan.
Contamination or dirt on the surface of the pan can also cause food to burn more easily. Make sure to clean the wok properly before use.