foto: YouTube/Damkar Banjarnegara

Due to panic, a number of people usually immediately flush the stove with water. However, this method actually risks causing the fire to spread to other areas.

  3 Juni 2024 22:00 - Cooking is one of the household chores that has a fairly high risk of accidents. Using a stove fire could be the main cause of this. If the stove fire is not used properly, a fire can occur at any time and has the potential to endanger the house and its occupants.

Many people know about the safety risks in the kitchen. However, quite a few people are still confused about how to put out a fire that breaks out in the kitchen. Due to panic, some people usually immediately flush the stove with water. However, this method actually risks causing the fire to spread to other areas.

When a stove or frying pan containing hot oil catches fire and is immediately doused with water, the fire can spread to other parts. The reason is, water and oil do not mix, so the water will immediately evaporate when it comes into contact with hot oil. This of course causes the oil to spread and enlarge the fire.

To be safer, you can copy the method shared by one of the Banjarnegara Damkar officers. Through the Banjarnegara Damkar YouTube account, there are firefighters who practice safe and quick ways to extinguish burning pans. Instead of dousing it with water, the safe and fast way to extinguish a fire in a frying pan is by using one simple tool.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Damkar Banjarnegara on Monday (3/6), the tool in question is a towel. More precisely, the firefighter used a wet towel that had been filled with water. Well, this towel can extinguish the fire more quickly while preventing the fire from spreading to other areas.

Tutorial for extinguishing fires quickly.

how to quickly and safely extinguish a burning frying pan  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Damkar Banjarnegara

The method is very simple, first, turn off the heat source. If the fire comes from the stove, you should turn off the stove first. Then immediately wet the towel with water until it is completely wet and heavy.

how to quickly and safely extinguish a burning frying pan  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Damkar Banjarnegara

Next, use the towel to cover the burnt pan. Make sure all the burnt parts of the pan are covered with a towel. As soon as you cover it with a towel, the fire in the pan will immediately go out by itself.

how to quickly and safely extinguish a burning frying pan  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Damkar Banjarnegara

When the fire has gone out, cover the entire pan with a wet towel. Then move it to another area (keep it away from the stove). That way, you can clean the burnt parts of the stove. Don't forget to dry the stove first if you want to use it again.

how to quickly and safely extinguish a burning frying pan  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Damkar Banjarnegara

Having been watched more than 8,000 times, this video about how to put out a fire in a frying pan immediately caught the attention of netizens. Many other YouTube users admitted that they just found out about this trick. Therefore, the video uploaded to YouTube by Damkar Banjarnegara is very useful to imitate.

"Very useful knowledge," said YouTube @Asalusulan.

"I was doused with water but thank God it was extinguished. Flushed in the bathroom," wrote the YouTube account @asyailliyiin2315.

"Klox so the stove can still be used again, right?" asked the YouTube account @indahnuri9664.

"'s just the fire rising to the top of the pan," replied YouTube user @rendypraditya89.
