foto: TikTok/@melizah615

Signs that curry is almost stale can be seen from the aroma and taste which changes to tend to be sour.

  19 Juni 2024 21:00 - Fans of soupy dishes usually find it difficult to refuse if there is curry on the dining table. Goulash can be made from various ingredients, ranging from beef, chicken, goat meat, tofu, squid, tempeh, and so on. Gulai is generally made using additional coconut milk , so the taste is more savory and the sauce is thicker.

However, it is common knowledge that dishes containing coconut milk like curry spoil quickly. That's why curry should be finished immediately after serving. Later, if there is still leftover curry that you haven't finished eating, immediately store it in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. Usually, curry can last in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days.

Well, there are times when some people forget to put the curry in the refrigerator, as a result the curry turns out to be almost stale. Signs that curry is almost stale can be seen from the aroma and taste which changes to tend to be sour. Even so, curry that is almost stale can still be saved. So, don't rush to throw it away, okay?

One netizen with the TikTok account @melizah615 has a secret trick for dealing with curry that is almost stale. He explained, you only need one kitchen ingredient to make almost stale curry fresh again.

The netizen who is familiarly called Melizah explained that the trick for making almost stale curry fresh again is done using the boiling technique. First prepare all the curry in a pan, then heat it over medium stove heat until it boils.

Then, sprinkle the goulash with a little baking soda. Yup, baking soda is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing tricks for treating curry that is almost stale so that it is fresh again. After adding the baking soda , stir the curry until smooth, then cook for a few moments.

Tricks to make almost stale curry fresh again  Various sources

photo: TikTok/@melizah615

However, if you don't have a stock of baking soda at home, you don't need to go to the market first to buy it, because there are other alternative ingredients, namely garlic.

"The second way is to use crushed garlic," said the owner of the TikTok account @melizah615, quoted by BrilioFood on Wednesday (19/6).

The trick is almost the same as before, namely first boil the curry until it boils, then add crushed garlic. Stir and continue to cook for a few minutes, then serve.

Tricks to make almost stale curry fresh again  Various sources

photo: TikTok/@melizah615

Wow, from now on you don't need to worry anymore when your curry stock at home is almost stale, right? Taking a peek at the comments column in @melizah615's TikTok upload which has been watched 275 thousand times, quite a few netizens are inspired by this trick, you know. On the other hand, there are also those who share other tricks about dealing with food that is almost stale.

"Just tried it, just made opor one day, forgot to cook it, it was almost sour, used the method of adding onions, thank God, it's fresh again, thank you for the knowledge," said TikTok @Delima Monterina.

"If I wash the chicken and fry it, it's gone," said TikTok @EmiL234.

"If it doesn't have soup, how do you prepare it? Ex grilled/grilled/fried chicken. Because if it's fried so it's hard, it's not delicious anymore," asked TikTok @bintarinawanti and replied by TikTok account user @ANDALAS, "steam it first then fry it again."

@melizah615 Bismillah I hope these tips can help you #tipsandtricks #lifehacks #cookinghacks #kitchenhacks #fyp original sound - melizah21
