foto: TikTok/@jonathanalso

The bad impact that can occur is hepatotoxicity or damage to liver cells.

  28 Juli 2024 11:30 - In Indonesia, many versatile spice plants are found. Not only as a cooking spice, spices are also often consumed as herbal medicine. Some people often rely on herbal medicine for traditional medicine.

Indeed, basically, the habit of drinking herbal medicine has existed since ancient times. In some cases, herbal medicine is believed to cure many diseases. Not without reason, the spices used contain a number of active compounds which are considered to be healthy for the body.

But you know what? Actually, the habit of drinking herbal medicine every day doesn't always have a good impact, you know. A doctor named Jonathan once explained this through a video uploaded to his personal TikTok account. Initially, this general practitioner and content creator often shared stories about the patients he treated.

Reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @jonathanalso, this doctor admitted that he often educates patients about herbal medicine which cannot be used as an alternative medicine, so it cannot be consumed every day. According to him, herbal medicine can have a bad impact on the body because it can damage the liver.

This doctor explains the dangers of drinking herbal medicine  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@jonathanalso

Unfortunately, this appeal seems to have never been heeded. Many patients come with the same statement that herbal medicine can be an alternative to medicine. Then in the upload, Doctor Jonathan explained further about the mechanism of herbal medicine in influencing the human body.

The bad impact that can occur is hepatotoxicity or damage to liver cells. Some herbal ingredients , such as alkaloids, are toxic and can damage the liver. Well, this alkaloid is usually found in ginger, galangal, turmeric and guava leaves.

This doctor explains the dangers of drinking herbal medicine  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@jonathanalso

On the other hand, herbal medicine that is produced without strict supervision has the potential to be contaminated with dangerous materials, such as heavy metals, pesticides or other dangerous chemicals. Well, these substances can cause liver damage if they accumulate in the body.

Furthermore, excessive dosage or use can also be dangerous. A number of packaged or homemade herbal medicines are often consumed without proper dosage guidance. As a result, the contents and substances of herbal medicine that enter the body have the potential to burden the liver and cause damage.

This doctor explains the dangers of drinking herbal medicine  TikTok


In addition, taking herbal medicine with other drugs also increases the risk of liver damage. In some cases, mushrooms can even trigger allergic reactions that can cause liver inflammation. Therefore, the dosage must be carefully observed.

A number of these reactions can occur in the medium or long term. However, excessive consumption of herbal medicine can also have short-term effects. Reporting from, excessive consumption of herbal medicine or herbal ingredients can cause indigestion and vomiting.

This post about the side effects of consuming herbal medicine immediately attracted the attention of netizens. Since it was uploaded on Friday (26/7), the video has been watched more than 675 thousand times. Who would have thought, many netizens still think that herbal medicine is safe to consume every day. On the other hand, there are also TikTok users who share their experiences about the bad effects of consuming herbal medicine.

" Well, it turns out it's not allowed??? I thought stews like that were safe, that's why I drink herbal medicine every day at Ms. Jamu, " explained TikTok @youngbommeryj.

" I drink tamarind turmeric almost every day, " said TikTok @mairayayay.

" I want to share, my father previously had stomach ulcers, so he tried to drink herbal medicine regularly. However, after a while, his liver hardened and his stomach became more and more injured. Medical treatment took up to 3 years, now be careful when drinking herbal medicine, " wrote the TikTok account @yermeowse.

" My aunt is like this, drinking herbal medicine like drinking water, not even a week in the hospital and then God willing. Anything in excess is not good ," said TikTok @anemouza.

" Basically, anything that is too much is definitely not good, " commented the TikTok account @hihelloooo.
