foto: Instagram/@ratnatjahyo

Granite floors that are cleaned this way tend to be shinier, you know~

  28 Juli 2024 06:30 - Granite floors are known as a luxurious and elegant flooring option. Basically, this type of floor is made from natural stone which is very hard and durable. Natural granite stone is able to withstand heavy loads without easily cracking or breaking. Apart from that, the many colors and natural patterns mean that granite floors are often chosen to add to the aesthetic value of a room.

Unfortunately, granite floors also have weaknesses, especially in terms of maintenance and cleaning when they start to become dull. Dull granite surfaces can often be a challenge because they are difficult to clean. This is caused by the pores of the stone which can absorb dirt and stains , making it look dull and must be cleaned specifically.

Luckily, an Instagram user @ratnatjahyo once shared a simple trick to solve this problem. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he had his own way of mopping dull granite floors so that they looked clear again. Instead of using floor cleaning liquid, he instead relied on kitchen ingredients to mop the dull granite floor.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @ratnatjahyo on Saturday (27/7), the kitchen ingredients in question are dish soap and baking soda. Well, these two ingredients are able to remove dull stains that come from dust . Apart from that, rust stains on granite floors can also be removed with these two kitchen ingredients.

How to mop dull granite floors  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ratnatjahyo

In the video, Instagram user @ratnatjahyo admitted that the granite floor in the outer area of the house was starting to look dull due to crust, dust and rust. So, to get rid of it, he first cleaned the floor of rubbish and dust using a broom. After that, water the floor until it is completely wet.

How to mop dull granite floors  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ratnatjahyo

Next, pour dish soap and sprinkle baking soda onto the surface of the granite floor. For comparison, Instagram user @ratnatjahyo uses 1:4 for soap and baking soda. After being given the cleaning agent, scrub the floor using a brush.

How to mop dull granite floors  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@ratnatjahyo

So, if you have brushed it clean, rinse the granite floor with water. Only then dry the water using a mop. Make sure there is no stagnant water because it has the potential to make the floor slippery and easily crust over again.

Granite floors that are mopped and cleaned this way tend to be shinier, you know. The rust and crust stains even completely disappeared without a trace. This makes the granite floor brighter and even clearer in appearance.

Having been watched more than 7,000 times, this upload about how to mop granite floors immediately caught the attention of netizens. Many other Instagram users provided direct responses in the comments column. Most of these netizens expressed their gratitude for gaining useful new knowledge.

" Thank you sis for the tips, " replied Instagram @meyca_avivi.

" Wow, save, this can be done, " said Instagram @nayla.bohoscandi.

" Wow, the results are shiny, sis, " wrote the Instagram account @dirumah.buna.
