foto: Instagram/@kireisuru

When butter is mixed with water, it actually makes the texture on the baking utensil slippery. In fact, it's not completely clean. So you need a smart trick, here.

  4 April 2024 03:00 - Making cakes is a fun activity for some people. Sometimes, some even spend hours in the kitchen making various types of cakes . Moreover, if the cake turns out according to expectations, it will definitely be more enjoyable, right?

Even so, this baking activity usually leaves a large pile of laundry used for cooking utensils. One of the ingredients for making cakes, namely butter, usually still sticks to the spatula or whisk used. In fact, removing butter stains is actually homework in itself.

Not without reason, when mixed with water, butter actually makes the texture of the baking utensil slippery. Sometimes, even though you have washed it repeatedly, the surface of the baking utensil still feels slippery when held.

As a solution, a number of people deliberately pour hot water all over the baking equipment. This way, the remaining butter will immediately melt away without any residue remaining. However, it turns out there are other ways you can clean baking utensils from traces of butter. The method was demonstrated by Instagram user @kireisuru.

"So in this video I want to give you a trick on how to wash used cooking utensils, really clean and mat," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @kireisuru on Wednesday (3/4).

How to clean baking utensils used with butter.

baking tools remaining butter  2024

photo: Instagram/@kireisuru

The first step, first boil water in a pan. When it's boiling, turn off the stove heat. Pour boiling water into a bowl.

baking tools remaining butter  2024

photo: Instagram/@kireisuru

Add enough dishwashing soap to the bowl, stir until completely mixed. Once done, put all the baking tools into a bowl. During the soaking process, you can lightly brush the entire surface of the baking utensil.

"A brush like this makes the butter melt quickly," said the owner of the video.

baking tools remaining butter  2024

photo: Instagram/@kireisuru

After brushing for a while, discard the soaking water. Without needing to wash it again, just rinse the baking utensils under running water. As a result, the baking tools look as clean as possible and are as smooth as new.

baking tools remaining butter  2024

photo: Instagram/@kireisuru

How to add more dish soap.

There are several ways you can try to increase your dishwashing soap.

1. Use warm water.

Warm water can help dish soap to more effectively clean grease and dirt. However, make sure the water is not too hot because it can damage your hands.

2. Add a little baking soda.

Baking soda can increase the ability of dishwashing soap to deal with tough dirt. Just add a little baking soda to the water or directly to the sponge when washing.

3. Use the right sponge or brush.

The right sponge or brush can help produce more suds, so you can use less dish soap to clean dishes.

4. Mix water with soap.

If you use liquid soap, mix it with a little water to make it thinner. This will help you use it more efficiently.

5. Use soap with a high concentration.

Choose dishwashing soap that has a high concentration. Even though it may be more expensive up front, you will use less soap every time you wash.

By trying some of the methods above, you can increase your use of dishwashing soap and save on your expenses.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.