
The problem of a clogged sink is easy to solve without the help of any tools

  27 Maret 2024 23:00 - The dishwashing sink has an important function in the home. Not only is it used for washing dishes, a number of people also wash their hands and various food ingredients for cooking in this place. Because of its many functions, every house has at least one dishwashing sink in the house.

Unfortunately, using a dishwashing sink is also not free from problems. Sometimes food scraps that are not thrown away in the trash can cause a buildup in the dishwashing sink drain.

If that happens, water will pool in the dishwashing sink and its function will not be optimal. Not only that, the unpleasant smell also spread throughout the room.

Knowing this, a number of people usually rely on the help of any tool to make the dishwashing sink run smoothly again. The tools used vary, from satay sticks, knives, spoons, and many more.

Apart from these methods, there are other ways that can be done to deal with similar incidents. An Instagram user @ruri_ferori shared an easy way to deal with a clogged dishwasher. This method doesn't require the help of any tools, you know. Are you curious about how?

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @ruri_ferori on Wednesday (27/3), this netizen only uses three kitchen ingredients, namely dish soap , baking soda and vinegar.

clogged dishwashing sink 3 kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: Instagram/@ruri_ferori

First, pour enough dish soap into the dishwashing sink drain. Then add about 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Don't forget to add enough white vinegar as a cleaning mixture. It appears that this cleaning solution immediately reacts to produce small bubbles.

"Leave it for 20 to 30 minutes," said the video owner.

clogged dishwashing sink 3 kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: Instagram/@ruri_ferori

After letting it sit for a while, this cleaning solution immediately disappears and nothing remains. This indicates that the dishwashing sink drain is running smoothly again. However, for maximum results, pour hot water into the dishwashing sink drain, OK?

clogged dishwashing sink 3 kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: Instagram/@ruri_ferori

Finally, rinse the dishwasher with plain water. As a result, the dishwashing sink is no longer clogged and the outside appearance is also shinier.

clogged dishwashing sink 3 kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: Instagram/@ruri_ferori

Factors that cause clogged dishwashing sink drains.

There are several factors that can cause the dishwashing sink drain to become clogged, including:

1. Fat and oil buildup.

When oil and grease residue from food is dumped into the sink, they can cool and form a film that sticks to the drain walls, causing a blockage.

2. Leftovers from cooking.

Bits of food thrown into the sink can also build up and clog the drain, especially if not disposed of properly.

3. Soap residue.

Soap residue that is not completely dissolved can stick to the drain walls and cause buildup, ultimately clogging the drain.

4. Hair.

If the sink is used to wash hair, loose hair can enter the drain and accumulate there, causing a blockage.

5. Foreign body.

Small objects such as paper, plastic, or other items that should not be thrown into the sink can enter the drain and clog it.

To prevent blockages, it is important to keep drains clean regularly, not throw inappropriate objects into the sink, and perform proper maintenance on the drainage system. If a blockage occurs, it should be treated immediately to prevent more serious problems.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.