foto: YouTube/Azulni TV

The rust stains on this spoon will not disappear if you only clean it with dish soap.

  28 Maret 2024 11:00 - There are many variations of spoons for eating, from plastic, wooden, to stainless steel. Among the many types of spoons, stainless steel is definitely the mainstay of many people because it is heat resistant, sturdy and durable for years of use.

However, if a spoon is quite old and rarely cared for, its appearance can change, you know. So, what originally looked like a stainless steel spoon would turn out to be rusty. The rust stains on this spoon will not disappear if you only clean it with dish soap.

That's why people often use vinegar to soak rusty spoons to make them clean again. However, unlike netizens on the Azulni TV YouTube account, he admits that he has another trick that is no less effective for cleaning rust stains on spoons. After all, he only needed two kitchen ingredients.

"There are many causes of rust on this spoon, one of which is the salt water in our house or the spoon hasn't been used for a long time," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Azulni TV on Wednesday (27/3).

How to clean spoon rust stains.

The first thing you need to prepare is a container large enough to put all the rusty spoons. The account owner explained to YouTube Azulni TV that this trick can also be practiced on scissors, ladles and other stainless steel kitchen utensils.

Then, pour soda water. Soda water is one of the main kitchen ingredients for practicing this trick for cleaning rust stains. Netizens familiarly called Azulni this time used C*ca-Col* soda water. Soak all rusty kitchen furniture in soda water for 30 to 40 minutes.

Instead of soaking in vinegar, this is a practical trick for cleaning rust stains  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Azulni TV

After soaking, take one spoon and sprinkle it with baking soda. Yup, baking soda is the second kitchen ingredient to practice tricks for cleaning rust stains. After adding baking soda, immediately rub the spoon with wire wool until the rust stains are gone. Do the same thing with all spoons or other kitchen utensils that have been soaked in soda water.

Finally, if the spoon is completely free of rust stains, rinse it immediately under running water, then dry the spoon with a cloth. Make sure the spoon is completely dry before storing it so that the rust doesn't come back again.

Instead of soaking in vinegar, this is a practical trick for cleaning rust stains  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Azulni TV

How about it, this trick for cleaning rust stains on spoons is really interesting, isn't it? Taking a peek at Azulni TV's YouTube upload, there are no comments from netizens yet, but this video has received enthusiasm from more than 500 viewers, you know.

How to store spoons so they don't rust easily.

Storing spoons so they don't rust easily doesn't just mean making sure they're dry, you know. Below are several other ways to keep spoons shiny and rust-free while stored.

1. Store the spoon in a closed container.

Store spoons in a closed container, such as a kitchen drawer or storage box, to protect them from moisture and air that can potentially cause corrosion.

2. Use a spoon protector.

You can also use a spoon protector, whether made of plastic or rubber, to protect the surface of the spoon from scratches which can speed up the formation of rust.

3. Maintain a clean storage environment.

Make sure your spoon storage environment is clean and dry. Avoid storing spoons in damp or wet places.

4. Use lubricant.

You can use a food-safe lubricant, such as vegetable oil, to grease the surface of the spoon after drying it. This forms a protective layer that helps prevent rust.

5. Check and clean regularly.

Periodically check your spoon to make sure there are no signs of rust starting to appear. If found, clean with a soft sponge and detergent, dry well, and apply lubricant if necessary.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.