
The main reason this animal comes is because the fruit is ripe or starting to rot.

  28 Maret 2024 20:00 - Fruit flies are one of the pests that often land around ripe fruit. Different from ordinary flies, this type of insect has a smaller size and transparent wings. Usually fruit flies are often seen hovering around ripe fruit.

Basically, fruit flies are often a problem in kitchens and fruit storage areas because of their ability to breed quickly. The main reason this animal comes is because the fruit is ripe or starting to rot. Fruit flies are attracted to the aroma and sweet taste produced by ripe fruit, and they use this fruit as a place to lay their eggs.

The presence of fruit flies is certainly very annoying, but that doesn't mean it can't be overcome. There are a number of ways you can do to get rid of fruit flies . Usually a number of people will make traps that are formulated from a certain number of materials.

However, apart from using traps, there are other tricks you can use to get rid of fruit flies. This trick was shared by Instagram user @diidii_winfleur in one of the uploaded videos. Instead of making traps, he relied on a type of spice to repel fruit flies.

An effective trick to get rid of fruit flies only relies on 1 type of spice.

Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @diidii_winfleur on Thursday (28/3), the spice in question is secang. This secang spice comes from a tree with the scientific name Caesalpinia sappan. In Indonesia, secang is usually used as a mixture for hot drinks or even food coloring.

effective trick to get rid of fruit flies using a cup  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@diidii_winfleur

So, how to get rid of fruit flies using a cup is quite easy. First, prepare fresh fruit first. After that, place this fruit in a bamboo container. According to Instagram user @diidii_winfleur, bamboo containers also help absorb moisture produced by ripe fruit. That way, the fruit will not rot quickly even if it is placed on the table.

effective trick to get rid of fruit flies using a cup  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@diidii_winfleur

Next, add some secang wood fibers separately or spread out. Well, the aroma of secang wood mixed with bamboo (from the container) tends to be disliked by fruit flies. Therefore, fruit flies will not come close and the fruit will remain hygienic.

However, apart from adding a cup, Instagram user @diidii_winfleur also relies on other ingredients, you know. In the bamboo container containing the fruit, he also placed a cork or wooden bottle cap. However, just like a bamboo container, this cork functions to absorb moisture in fruit that is starting to ripen.

effective trick to get rid of fruit flies using a cup  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@diidii_winfleur

Since it was uploaded on Tuesday (26/3), this video about tricks for getting rid of fruit flies has immediately attracted the attention of netizens. Among the more than 7,000 viewers, there were a number of other Instagram users who also provided direct responses in the comments column.

"Okay, ready to try it, ma'am, thanks for the tips," said Instagram @dapurhaninih.

"I keep fruit in the refrigerator. It's fresh," said Instagram @rina.ruslinda.

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A post shared by Dian Saptiari | Daily Life & Home Tips (@diidii_winfleur)

Tips for storing fresh fruit so it doesn't rot quickly.

Storing fresh fruit properly can help extend its shelf life. Here are some tips for storing fruit so it doesn't rot quickly:

1. Separate ripe and unripe fruit.

Ripe fruit releases ethylene gas which can speed up the ripening of other fruit. So, separate ripe fruit from unripe fruit to prevent rapid ripening.

2. Avoid stacking fruit.

Stacking fruit can cause injury and speed up spoilage. Place the fruit separately or in a container that is large enough so that no fruit is squeezed or stressed.

3. Store the fruit at the right room temperature.

Room temperatures that are too hot or too cold can speed up fruit rot. Try to keep the room temperature stable between 18-22C for general fruit.

4. Do not store fruit in direct sunlight.

Sunlight can accelerate fruit ripening and rotting. Store fruit in a shady place or in the refrigerator if necessary.

5. Use breathable containers.

Breathable containers, such as woven baskets or paper bags, can help reduce moisture and prevent spoilage due to condensation.

6. Check regularly.

Check your fruit regularly and throw away any that have started to rot so they don't affect other fruit.

7. Store fruit in the refrigerator.

Some fruits, such as strawberries, grapes, or cherries, can be stored in the refrigerator to extend their shelf life. Make sure to clean and dry it first.

8. Use fruit preservative products.

Some fruit preservation products, such as fruit fresheners, can help extend the shelf life of fruit. However, make sure to follow the instructions for use correctly.

9. Do not wash fruit before storing.

Washing fruit before storing can speed up spoilage due to remaining moisture. Wash the fruit before consuming it.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.