foto: YouTube/Bunda Ipi

Just add this kitchen ingredient with clothes freshener and water so that the mattress is free of urine odor

  14 April 2024 16:30 - Mattresses are one of the home furnishings that function as sleeping mats so that the body can rest more comfortably. Because it is used almost every day, the mattress becomes susceptible to getting dirty. It's not uncommon for mattresses to be exposed to sweat and spilled food or drink. For those who have small children, mattresses are often a source of bedwetting .

A wet mattress due to bedwetting is a challenge in itself. The reason is, even though it has been cleaned with a cloth and soap, the smell of urine sometimes still remains. Therefore, many people clean it with additional ingredients such as baking soda.

This kitchen ingredient is known to be effective in absorbing unpleasant odors on the surface of objects. But if you don't want your baking soda stock to be wasted, you can copy the trick shared by a netizen on Bunda Ipi's YouTube.

In one of his uploads, he admitted that he had an effective way to get rid of the smell of urine from a mattress without having to bother drying it in the sun. He also relies on simple ingredients that are easy to find, including the addition of 1 kitchen ingredient.

Reported by BrilioFood from Bunda Ipi's YouTube on Thursday (4/4), the ingredients used were clothes freshener and water. Apart from that, he also added table vinegar as a liquid to remove bed urine odor.

effective trick to get rid of the smell of urine on the mattress using the addition of 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Mother Ipi

" I want to dry this (the mattress) first. I can't dry it in the sun because it's narrow. So I want to turn on the AC and fan to let the mattress dry. Later, I'll make the mattress smell fresh and the urine smell will disappear ," he said.

First of all, remove the bed sheet that is wet because it has wet the bed. Instead of drying it, the YouTube user relies on the AC and fan in his house to dry the mattress. While waiting for the mattress to dry a bit, he also made a perfume concoction.

effective trick to get rid of the smell of urine on the mattress using the addition of 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Mother Ipi

To do this, prepare a spray bottle. If so, add 1 sachet of clothing freshener. Next, add 1 glass of water and 1 tablespoon of table vinegar. Then close the spray bottle and shake it so that the fragrance liquid is mixed evenly.

" It's been a day now. The mattress is dry, but the smell of urine is still there, " he explained.

effective trick to get rid of the smell of urine on the mattress using the addition of 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Mother Ipi

When the mattress is dry, immediately spray the fragrance liquid that has been prepared. Leave it for a few moments so that the perfume liquid absorbs the smell of urine.

Once dry, the mattress that previously smelled of urine will now smell good again, you know. That way, the bed sheets can be put back on and the smell of bed urine is completely gone.

" You can no longer smell the urine and the mattress smells good again ," he concluded.

Benefits of vinegar for household use.

Vinegar is a natural ingredient that has many benefits for household appliances. Some of the benefits include:

1. Multi-purpose cleaner.

Vinegar can be used as a cleaner for a variety of surfaces, including countertops, kitchens, bathrooms, and floors. Mix vinegar with water in a spray bottle and spray on the surface you want to clean.

2. Eliminates odor.

Vinegar is effective for removing unpleasant odors, such as smoke, fish or onion odors. Mix vinegar with water and use it to clean smelly surfaces or air.

3. Stain remover.

Vinegar can help remove stains from fabric or other surfaces. Apply vinegar directly to the stain, let it sit for a while, then wash as usual.

4. Scale buster.

Vinegar can be used to remove scale or lime deposits on taps, showers, or other surfaces. The vinegar will dissolve the crust and make it easier to clean.

5. Fruit and vegetable preservative.

Vinegar can be used as a natural preservative for fruit and vegetables. Soak fruit or vegetables in a dilute vinegar solution to extend their shelf life.

6. Floor cleaner.

Add vinegar to water when washing floors to clean and remove unpleasant odors.
