
No need to call a craftsman or tap technician.

  6 Juli 2024 13:30 - The sink is one part of the kitchen that has an important role. Sinks are usually used to wash various types of kitchen furniture or even food that is to be processed. It's not surprising that the flow of water that comes out of the tap determines the smoothness of cooking.

The more water that comes out of the tap, the smoother the washing process will be. However, it cannot be denied that in some cases, the water that comes out of this tap tends to be small and clogged . To overcome this, many people then call a craftsman or tap technician. There are also those who choose to immediately replace the old tap with a new one so that the water flow can be greater.

Even though you know, you don't always have to immediately call a repairman or even replace the tap when you experience this problem. Basically, there is a trick that can be done to increase the water flow from the dishwashing sink faucet.

Furthermore, this trick was shared directly by Instagram user @dirumah.khawla. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only applied a simple method to fix it. It's so practical, you don't even need to prepare special tools.

tricks for dealing with a dishwashing sink faucet that has little water  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dirumah.khawla

As reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @dirumah.khawla on Saturday (6/7), the first thing that must be done is to turn off the water source first. After that, open and remove the head or end of the water tap. The method is easy, you just twist the tap head until it comes off.

tricks for dealing with a dishwashing sink faucet that has little water  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dirumah.khawla

After that, also remove the tap hook at the base in the same way. Then release the tap by pulling slowly.

tricks for dealing with a dishwashing sink faucet that has little water  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dirumah.khawla

Well, at both ends of this faucet hose there are clear covers made of rubber. You can open the two covers by prying slightly with a knife. Once open, pull and twist the rubber inside the tap. Do the same thing on the other end of the faucet, OK?

tricks for dealing with a dishwashing sink faucet that has little water  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dirumah.khawla

If so, reinstall the rubber tap cover by pressing it with your fingers. After that, reinstall the faucet as before. The way to install it is the same as when you opened it, just twist it until it's tight.

tricks for dealing with a dishwashing sink faucet that has little water  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dirumah.khawla

Next, you can turn the water source back on. Then also open the tap to test the water flow that comes out. Well, the water that was originally small will become bigger and smoother after being repaired in this way.

After investigating, the problem with the tap having little water doesn't actually happen because there is a blockage, you know. Through the comments column, there was a netizen who explained the causes and reasons why the water faucet only needed to be turned around like in the video.

"Does that mean there's a blockage?" asked the Instagram account @kerjadee.

"Help me answer, usually the internal hose likes to twist so the water flow is blocked," said Instagram @putri_amalia27.

"Yes, it's rubber inside, so the rubber seems to be entangled and the water coming down isn't flowing smoothly," continued Instagram user @dirumah.khawla.

Since it was uploaded on June 3, this video about the sink faucet trick has been viewed more than 437 thousand times. Looking at the comments column, there are many other Instagram users who express their gratitude for gaining useful new knowledge.

"Ah, I just found out, thanks for the tips sis, there's no reason to change to a new faucet," replied Instagram @esthreehouse.

"Thank you for the tips, the water actually comes out quite big," explained Instagram @santylibend.

"There's no need to wait for your husband to come home from work to fix this, because you can do it yourself," wrote the Instagram account @nikadewanti.

"My sink often crashes like this," commented the Instagram account @riskawidsar.

"Wow, you have to practice this," said Instagram @aeni_airen
