
A red stove flame is a sign that the stove is damaged and not suitable for use.

  6 Juli 2024 12:30

Brilio.net - The high intensity of using frying pans for cooking often makes them appear black because they are burnt. Basically, a burnt pan can be caused by several things, one of which is using too much fire. Apart from that, it could also be because there is food that is burnt and stuck to the pan.

However, you also need to know that a frying pan that burns quickly can be caused by a stove fire . Yup, red stove flames tend to make the bottom or bottom of the pan quickly burn and turn black. If left unchecked, this can certainly damage pans and even other cooking utensils.

Many people think that red stove flames indicate that the stove is damaged and not suitable for use. In fact, there is a simple trick you can do to change the red stove flame to blue again. This trick was shared by TikTok user @putraapibiru.mans in a video.

One cause could come from dirty stove components. Reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @putraapibiru.mans on Saturday (6/7), the parts that need to be cleaned include the stove burner funnel. Well, this component functions to channel gas to produce fire. If there are blockages or dirt, the fire produced will not be optimal.

trick to change the stove flame to red  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@putraapibiru.mans

To remove the burner funnel, you have to remove the stove burner and disassemble the burner first. After that, remove the iron hook between the funnel and the stove. Only then take the burner funnel.

trick to change the stove flame to red  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@putraapibiru.mans

Well, at the base of the funnel there is a cover. You can just remove it by pulling it. After that, clean the inside of the mouthpiece using an old toothbrush. Remove all dirt and dust that obstructs gas flow. In the video, he shows that there are cockroaches and cobwebs coming out of the burner funnel.

trick to change the stove flame to red  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@putraapibiru.mans

Then, if you feel it is clean, close the end of the funnel again. After that, install it again as before. Shortly after it was installed and turned on, the stove flame which was originally red turned blue and more stable. That way, the stove can be used again for cooking without worrying about the kitchen utensils getting burned.

This post about the trick of changing the red stove flame has been viewed more than 175 thousand times. Through the comments column, many other TikTok users admitted that they had just found out and were helped by this trick. As a result, many netizens want to try this trick directly.

"I thought if the red flame was a sign that the gas was going to run out, it turns out there was something blocking the gas pipe," replied TikTok @_nayladwiyanti_.

"Masha'Allah, thank you bro, the VT really helps, always live a long and healthy life," said TikTok @mayla_kafi.

"Thank you.....later the CBNE Kindergarten will light the red lane like fire using wood," wrote the TikTok account @niparsini.

"Oh, that's how it is, I even bought a new stove yesterday," commented the TikTok account @lespi_yanti.

"My stove is the same as the pan on the cemong," said TikTok @aisyah.sari.

URL: https://www.tiktok.com/@putraapibiru.mans/video/7374598417420504325
