foto: Instagram/@indah3yani

Crust in the toilet is generally caused by a buildup of minerals such as calcium and magnesium which come from water, dirt or soap residue.

  19 Juni 2024 05:00 - The presence of limescale in the toilet is often a problem experienced by many people. Crust in the toilet is generally caused by a buildup of minerals such as calcium and magnesium which come from water, dirt or soap residue. Not only that, scale in the toilet can also come from ineffective cleaning products, so that residue is left behind and turns into scale.

To overcome this, cleaning the toilet optimally is an important key. Instead of using porcelain cleaning fluid, you can use other ingredients, you know. Usually a number of people will use citrus as an alternative toilet descaling agent. This ingredient is considered very effective in making the toilet clean and crust-free.

However, if you have difficulty getting citrus, there are other ingredients that are more practical to obtain because they come from the kitchen. An Instagram user @indah3yani once shared these kitchen ingredients in one of the uploaded videos. He admitted that he only relied on two kitchen ingredients to eradicate limescale in the toilet.

Use baking soda and dish soap to clean the crust.

Reported by BrilioFood on Tuesday (18/6), the kitchen ingredients in question are baking soda and dishwashing soap. These two ingredients are an effective combination for cleaning scale because they are abrasive. Reporting from, a mixture of baking soda (alkaline) and dishwashing soap (which is sometimes slightly acidic) can produce a mild chemical reaction that helps loosen crust and dirt.

tricks for cleaning a dull and crusty toilet  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@indah3yani

Well, how to use it is quite easy. First, mix dish soap and baking soda in one container. After that, add enough water and stir until completely dissolved. If so, transfer this liquid into a spray bottle.

When you want to use it, simply spray the mixture of kitchen ingredients onto the crusty surface of the toilet. After that, brush vigorously. You can use a brush that has coarse or soft bristles, such as a toothbrush.

tricks for cleaning a dull and crusty toilet  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@indah3yani

If you feel the crust is stubborn, spray the soap again. Then continue rubbing until the crust is completely gone. Only then rinse with running water. That way, the appearance of the toilet will be shinier and cleaner.

tricks for cleaning a dull and crusty toilet  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@indah3yani

Since it was uploaded on Friday (14/6), this video about tricks for cleaning yellow toilets has been watched more than 36 thousand times. It's not surprising that many other Instagram users also flooded the comments column. Most of these netizens admitted that they were interested in copying this trick directly.

"Wow, it's really fitting to appear on Mom's veranda. I want to clean the bathroom door. Thank you for the knowledge," said Instagram @rianaapriyani92.

"The ingredients are really easy to find at home but the results are really shiny," explained Instagram @thehouseof.jj.

"You have to try this," said Instagram @dinanapita23.

"Thanks for the info, bro, let's try it," said Instagram @sheylla.margaretta.

"Wow, it fits really well.. There are stubborn stains..try on," wrote the Instagram account @ainithias24.
