foto: YouTube/Azzahwa tv

If the crust stuck to the toilet has hardened, the toilet will be difficult to clean

  12 April 2024 18:00 - The toilet is one of the areas in the bathroom that is most prone to getting dirty. This dirt can come from dust carried by the feet. Not only that, stains on the toilet can also arise from remaining water spots that are not rinsed thoroughly so that they become stubborn crusts.

A number of people usually clean the toilet with a special toilet cleaning fluid . There are also those who brush it with a mixture of water and detergent. However, if the crust stuck to the toilet has hardened, the toilet will be difficult to clean even if it has been cleaned using the two methods above.

Finally, many choose to add other ingredients to clean the toilet. One of them is adding baking soda. This kitchen ingredient is believed to be able to remove stubborn crust stains on the surface of objects.

But there's no need to worry if the stock of baking soda at home is running low, because there are other cleaning agents that can be used to remove the crust. The method was shared by YouTube user Azzahwa tv. He admitted that even without baking soda, the result was that the toilet became shiny again, you know.

"I want to share a tutorial on how to remove limescale from a squat toilet. So the scale is really stubborn. If you just use soap it won't come off," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Azzahwa tv on Thursday (11/4).

Tricks for cleaning black crust in the toilet using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Azzahwa tv

The ingredient in question is baking powder. But not only that, the YouTube user also added powdered detergent, citron, wipepol and hot water. Meanwhile, the equipment used is dishwashing pads, brushes, and also a whetstone.

First, prepare a container. Then pour in one packet of citrus. Also pour in enough powdered detergent. If so, add 2 teaspoons of baking powder and enough floor cleaning fluid. Next, pour enough hot water into the container. Stir until all ingredients are mixed evenly.

Tricks for cleaning black crust in the toilet using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Azzahwa tv

"We apply cleaning fluid to the toilet which has a lot of crust. After everything is smooth, we wait for 30 minutes to 1 hour," he said.

After leaving it for 30 minutes, the YouTube user again applied the cleaning fluid to the toilet and then brushed it. He also uses a whetstone to eradicate stubborn black crust.

Tricks for cleaning black crust in the toilet using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Azzahwa tv

"You can also use a pumice stone. This is starting to get pretty clean, friends. Scrub off the remaining crust that is still attached to it using the stone," he added.

After brushing for a while, the black crust began to fade and the toilet became bright again. The toilet is also more comfortable to use.

Tricks for cleaning black crust in the toilet using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Azzahwa tv

"This is the final result. So the toilet which has a lot of crust on it is now like new again, friends. It's really great, it's really clean," he concluded.

Pretty easy to imitate, right? Are you interested in trying this trick?

Benefits of baking powder for household appliances.

Baking powder is usually used as a raising agent in making cakes and bread. However, there are several benefits of baking powder that can also be applied to other household appliances, including:

1. Fan cleaner.

Mix baking powder with a little water to make a paste. Use this paste to clean the fan. Baking powder paste can help soften and remove dust and dirt stuck to the fan.

2. Faucet cleaner.

Mix baking powder with water to make a paste and use it to clean the faucet. Rub the paste on the faucet and rinse with clean water to remove stubborn stains and dirt.

3. Pot and pan cleaner.

To clean stubborn stains on pots and pans, mix baking powder with water and heat it on the stove. Let the baking powder solution boil for a few minutes, then wash it off. Baking powder can help soften and lift stubborn stains.

4. Oven cleaner.

Mix baking powder with water to make a paste and use it to clean the inside of the oven. Apply baking powder paste to the dirty area, leave it for a few moments, then rub and clean with a clean cloth.

5. Mirror and glass cleaner.

Mix baking powder with water to make a paste and use it to clean mirrors and glass. Baking powder paste can help remove stubborn stains and dirt on glass surfaces.
