foto ilustrasi: YouTube/Mitra Bertani TV

Although easy to grow, chili plants are one of the plants that are quite difficult to care for.

  9 Maret 2025 10:30 - For many people, chili is a must-have spice in cooking. Starting from fried rice, stir-fried vegetables, various sambals, to instant noodles, everything becomes more delicious with the addition of chili. No wonder chili is always in demand in the market!

But as is known, the price of chili often goes up and down and can make your pockets empty. That's why many people choose to grow their own chili at home to save money. Moreover, chili plants can be easily grown from leftover chili seeds from the kitchen, without having to buy special seeds.

Although easy to grow, caring for chili plants is not always easy. If you don't know the tricks, chili plants can:
- Difficult to bear fruit
- Attacked by pests
- Quickly wilts and dies

Many people try MSG as a natural fertilizer to fertilize plants. But it turns out, there is a more natural, cheap, and environmentally friendly way, namely using two types of kitchen dregs.

TikTok user @saepudin5254 shared his trick for caring for chili plants so they grow strong and bear lots of fruit. Curious about the ingredients used? Let's see how!

"My chili tree is very sturdy and strong because it is given natural fertilizer," said the video owner, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @saepudin5254.

So, the kitchen waste that can be used is just egg shells or any kind of vegetable. You can put it directly on the chili plant planting medium or blend it first. Later, both of these kitchen wastes will rot by themselves and melt into the planting medium.

As a result, the nutrients from the egg shells and vegetables can be absorbed by the roots of the chili plant. That's why giving these two kitchen wastes is effective in supporting the growth of fruit on chili plants.

Instead of using MSG, here are some tricks for caring for chili plants  Various sources

photo: TikTok/@saepudin5254

Not only does it stimulate fruit growth, these two kitchen dregs are also said to help chili plants last longer. Look, the chilies on the plants belonging to the netizen familiarly called Saepudin look really lush, right?

"The results are quite satisfying, the chili plants are increasingly fertile and the fruit is certainly not disappointing. Chili plants can be strong and durable and the trees do not die easily," he concluded.

Instead of using MSG, here are some tricks for caring for chili plants  Various sources

photo: TikTok/@saepudin5254

Why is it difficult for chili plants to bear fruit even though they are growing well?

Although the chili plant looks healthy with lush leaves, it is not uncommon for the fruit to be few or even none at all. This can happen due to several factors, such as:

- Lack of proper nutrition Chili plants need calcium, phosphorus, and potassium to produce abundant fruit. That is why egg shell dregs are very useful because they are rich in calcium which supports fruit growth.
- Too much nitrogen If there is too much fertilizer with nitrogen content, the plant will focus more on growing leaves than producing fruit. So, it is better to balance it with natural fertilizers such as vegetable dregs to provide other nutrients needed.
- Lack of sunlight Chili plants need at least 6 hours of sunlight every day. If it is lacking, the photosynthesis process is disrupted, so that fruit growth slows down.
- Lack of natural pollination If you plant chilies in pots indoors or in areas with minimal wind and insects, the pollination process can be disrupted. To overcome this, you can gently shake the stem of the plant so that the pollen moves to the flower pistil.

How to deal with chili plants that are often attacked by pests?

Pests such as aphids, caterpillars, and red mites often attack chili plants, causing leaves to become perforated, yellow, or even fall off. To overcome this, try the following tricks:

- Use water soaked in garlic or chili The method is quite easy, just soak garlic or dried chili in water overnight, then spray it on the plants. The spicy and pungent aroma can repel pests naturally.
- Sprinkle coffee grounds around the plants Coffee grounds not only fertilize the soil, but can also repel snails and ants that often damage the roots of chili plants.
- Use eggshells as a pest barrier Crushed eggshells can be placed around the base of plants. The sharp texture can deter slugs and caterpillars.
- Release natural predators If possible, allow beetles or dragonflies around the plants as they are natural predators that can help reduce the population of small pests.

How many times should chili plants be fertilized so that they bear fruit quickly?

Proper fertilization is essential for chili plants to bear fruit abundantly and last a long time. Here is a guide to providing natural fertilizer with kitchen dregs:

- Egg shell pulp: Sprinkle it every two weeks around the plants to help fruit set and strengthen the stems.
- Vegetable dregs: Can be given once a week, either sprinkled directly or ground first so that it decomposes more quickly in the soil.
- Coffee grounds: Simply add once a month to keep the soil fertile without making it too acidic.
- Liquid fertilizer from rotten vegetables: Can be made by soaking vegetable scraps in water for 24 hours, then use the water to water the plants once every two weeks as additional nutrients.

By providing balanced fertilizer, chili plants will not only grow well, but can also bear fruit abundantly and last longer.
