foto: TikTok/@mysumber

The ants move away by themselves.

  26 Maret 2024 10:00 - Ants are one of the insects that often come to the house. Usually these insects come in groups to surround the food or drink on the dining table. In fact, not infrequently, ants can also swarm sugar stored in jars, you know.

The presence of ants certainly feels very disturbing. Not without reason, whether you like it or not, you have to clean your food first before consuming it. So it's complicated, right?

Not to mention, if the ants have already laid eggs, the food can no longer be consumed. The reason is that as reported by, ant eggs can cause several health problems, such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Therefore, a number of people use various methods to get rid of a bunch of ants . The method that is often done is to put magic chalk or cornstarch around the food. It is believed that these two ingredients can make ants stay away from food.

But don't just use these two ingredients, because there are other effective ways to get rid of ants. The method was demonstrated by TikTok user @mysource. It can be seen in the video upload that he only relies on one kitchen spice. Even so, a group of ants can move away on their own, you know.

Effective way to get rid of ants.

At the beginning of the video, he shows the appearance of his bread being covered in ants. Because it wasn't closed properly, several ants got into the bread container.

ants use salt solution tiktok  2024

photo: TikTok/@mysource

Knowing this, he immediately prepared a special liquid to repel ants. Instead of camphor or cornstarch, he only uses one kitchen spice, namely salt. According to him, this kitchen ingredient can make the ants' bodies fragile and dehydrated.

So, first boil water in a pan. When it's boiling, just add the salt, stir until it dissolves completely.

ants use salt solution tiktok  2024

photo: TikTok/@mysource

Once done, turn off the stove and transfer the salt solution into a spray bottle. Once filled, close the spray bottle tightly. The ant repellent mixture is ready and can be used straight away.

ants use salt solution tiktok  2024

photo: TikTok/@mysource

How to apply it, just spray the salt solution into the area that is being surrounded by ants. As seen in the video upload, this netizen sprayed salt solution on the balcony area of his house. After being sprayed, without waiting long, the group of ants left by themselves.

ants use salt solution tiktok  2024

photo: TikTok/@mysource

This method of getting rid of ants immediately caught the attention of netizens. Some of them also provide other ways to get rid of ants in the video comments column.

"Using cooking oil on the edge of the sugar container scares him," said the TikTok account @ayu, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (25/3).

"It's enough to put garlic if you want to quickly cut the onion and then put it in the area where there are ants," said the TikTok account @rekenan.

@mysource Tips to Get Rid of Ants Without Poison (Part 4) #tips #tips #malaysiatiktok #malaysia #tiktoker #foryourepage #fyp #mysource #foryoupage LOTUS FLOWER BOMB x YRN - Michael Napiza

How to store salt so it doesn't runny and lasts a long time.

Here are several ways to store salt so it doesn't runny and lasts a long time:

1. Use a closed container.

Salt should be stored in an airtight and tightly closed container to prevent air contamination which could cause it to become damp.

2. Add silica gel or rice.

Adding a little silica gel (which is usually found in electronics or shoe packaging) to the salt container can help absorb moisture. Alternatively, you can also add a few grains of rice to the salt container. Rice also has the property of absorbing moisture.

3. Store in a dry place.

Make sure to store salt in a dry and cool place. Avoid storing it in damp places, such as near kitchen areas that often get wet.

4. Use insulated packaging.

If you store large amounts of salt, consider using insulated packaging in the salt container. This will help keep the salt dry by preventing water from running all over the container.

5. Keep it clean.

Make sure the salt container and extractor are clean and dry before use. Contamination from residual water or humidity can speed up the salt clumping process.

6. Avoid frequent moving.

Avoiding frequent transfers from one container to another can also help prevent watering, because every time you open the salt container, outside air can enter and increase the risk of moisture.

By following the steps above, you can help keep the salt dry, not watery, and long-lasting.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.