The condition of blunt nail scissors makes the process of cutting nails hampered.

  21 Mei 2024 19:00 - Regularly cutting your fingernails and toenails is a very important form of self-care to maintain cleanliness. Nail clippers are also an item that must be had at home.

Usually nail clippers are made of metal or stainless steel so they don't rust easily. In addition, the small size makes nail clippers easy to carry when traveling.

However, nail clippers also have their own drawbacks. If they have been used for a long time, the blades on nail clippers will usually become dull. Well, the condition of blunt nail clippers makes the process of cutting nails hampered.

When they find dull nail clippers, some people usually just throw them away and buy new ones. In fact, there is a simple trick that can be used to sharpen blunt nail clippers, you know. A YouTube user AROUND THE WORLD OF FISHING NETS once shared this trick in one of the uploaded videos.

This trick for sharpening blunt nail clippers is practical without disassembling them first.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube AROUND THE WORLD OF FISHING NETS on Tuesday (21/5), he admitted that he only relied on one kitchen tool , namely a glass. To be clear, he uses a sturdy mug. So, this glass can be used to sharpen nail clippers practically without needing to be disassembled first.

trick to sharpen blunt nail clippers  YouTube


To sharpen it, you can directly rub the tip of the nail scissors (the blade part) against the glass of the mug. Rub from top to bottom several times. Then rub or sharpen it back and forth so that the blades at the top and bottom of the nail clippers are really sharp. Do this process for a few minutes until the nail clippers are sharp again.

trick to sharpen blunt nail clippers  YouTube


So, after rubbing it on the surface of the glass, drip oil evenly onto the blade of the nail clipper. In the video, he admits to using machine oil. However, if you don't have any, you can use the cooking oil you have in the kitchen. Just add a few drops of oil then spread evenly.

"This makes it sharper like new, even sharper than new," explained YouTube AROUND THE WORLD OF FISHING NETS.

trick to sharpen blunt nail clippers  YouTube


Basically, glass mugs can help sharpen nail clippers because the bottom of the mug often has a rough surface made of unglazed ceramic. This rough surface acts like a sharpening stone, allowing you to sharpen the edges of your nail clippers so they are sharp again.

Then, if they have been sharpened, you can try testing the sharpness of the nail scissors. For example, by cutting paper or you can also cut long nails directly. Because the scissors are sharp, the cutting process will be easier and more optimal.

How? Easy enough, right? Using the method shared by YouTube user AROUND THE WORLD OF FISHING NETS, you can restore the sharpness of your nail clippers to their original state. Apart from being effective, this method also tends to be practical because you don't need to dismantle any components in the nail clipper.

Tips to prevent glasses from breaking when hot water is poured into them.

To prevent the glass from breaking when hot water is poured over it, it is important to understand that sudden changes in temperature can cause the glass to crack or break. Here are nine tips to prevent this.

1. Use special heat-resistant glass.

Choose glass specifically designed to withstand high temperatures, such as borosilicate glass or tempered glass. This type of glass is more resistant to drastic temperature changes.

2. Pre-heat the glass.

Before pouring hot water, fill a glass with warm water and let it sit for a few minutes. This will help gradually raise the temperature of the glass and reduce the risk of it breaking.

3. Add a metal spoon.

Place a metal spoon in the glass before pouring in the hot water. The spoon will absorb some of the heat and help distribute it more evenly, reducing the thermal stress on the glass.

4. Pour the water slowly.

Pour hot water slowly into the glass. Start by pouring a small amount of water and then gradually add more. This will help the glass adapt to hot temperatures better.

5. Use water that is not too hot.

Avoid pouring boiling water directly into a glass. Let the water cool slightly after boiling before pouring it into glasses.

6. Thick glass.

Choose a glass with thicker walls. Thick glass tends to be more resistant to sudden temperature changes than thin glass.

7. Avoid cold glasses.

Do not pour hot water into glasses that have just been taken out of the refrigerator or that are very cold. Let the glass reach room temperature first.

8. Check for cracks or damage.

Always check the glass before use. Small cracks or damage can increase the chance of the glass breaking when exposed to hot water.

9. Glass with handle.

Use a glass that has a handle. The handle helps reduce direct contact between the hand and the surface of the glass, which can add thermal stress to the glass when hot water is poured over it.
