
Because if you don't clean it immediately, the surface of the wooden table will be covered in stains.

  21 Mei 2024 18:00 - Wooden furniture is the choice of many people. Apart from its attractive appearance, wooden furniture is also said to be durable. One of the wooden furniture in the house is a table. Wooden tables are usually installed in the living room or family room.

In order to last a long time, wooden tables must also be cared for properly . One of the easiest maintenance things to do is to clean it regularly. Especially if the wooden table is exposed to spilled food or drinks. Make sure you clean it straight away, okay?

Because if you don't clean it immediately, the surface of the wooden table will be covered in stains. If the stain is already set, the table will be difficult to clean. As a result, the appearance of the wooden table looks dull. This was experienced by a netizen with the YouTube account name Nurussiyamah.

"It's really dirty, there's a lot of dust, even inside. If you just wipe it, it won't be clean," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Nurussiyamah on Tuesday (21/5).

how to clean a dull wooden table 1 kitchen ingredient  2024

photo: YouTube/Nurussiyamah

This method of cleaning a dull wooden table results in a shiny finish using 1 kitchen ingredient.

To clean it, this netizen relies on one kitchen ingredient, namely dishwashing soap. Because the amount needed was small, he only bought 95 ml of dishwashing soap for IDR 2,000.

"We mix the soap with water, keep stirring until it's evenly mixed," said the owner of the video.

how to clean a dull wooden table 1 kitchen ingredient  2024

photo: YouTube/Nurussiyamah

On the other hand, first wipe the surface of the wooden table with a brush. The goal is so that the dust on it can disappear and nothing remains. If so, then apply the dish soap solution to the entire surface of the wooden table.

how to clean a dull wooden table 1 kitchen ingredient  2024

photo: YouTube/Nurussiyamah

Once it has been scrubbed using a dishwashing soap solution, immediately flush the wooden table with clean water. While rubbing, make sure there is no dust, dirt or dish soap solution left on the wooden table.

how to clean a dull wooden table 1 kitchen ingredient  2024

photo: YouTube/Nurussiyamah

Once perfectly clean, immediately dry the wooden table in the sun. Wait a while until the wooden table is dry.

To make the results shiny, dry wooden tables can be smeared with cooking oil. Finally, wipe the entire surface of the wooden table with a tissue or dry cloth.

how to clean a dull wooden table 1 kitchen ingredient  2024

photo: YouTube/Nurussiyamah

As a result, the wooden table shines like new again.

Tricks so that the wooden table is not eaten by termites and lasts a long time.

To prevent your wooden table from being attacked by termites and extend its lifespan, here are some tricks you can try.

1. Selection of wood that is resistant to termite attacks.

Some types of wood have natural resistance to termite attacks. For example, hardwood such as oak, teak or merbau tends to be more resistant to termite attacks than softwood such as pine.

2. Pre-use protection.

Before use, you can protect the wooden table with a wood protection product that contains anti-termite chemicals. This can be a special paint or coating material specifically designed to protect the wood from pest attacks.

3. Regular cleaning and maintenance.

Always keep the wooden table clean by cleaning it regularly. Leftover food or liquids can attract termites. In addition, maintain the wood regularly by coating it with wood oil or another protective layer to maintain moisture and prevent damage.

4. Avoid direct contact with the ground.

If possible, avoid placing a wooden table directly on the ground or a damp surface. Termites often enter wood from the ground, so make sure the table is placed on a raised surface or uses a waterproof base underneath.

5. Regular inspection.

Carry out regular inspections of wooden tables to detect signs of termite infestation or other damage. The sooner you detect a problem, the easier it is to fix it before the damage gets worse.

By implementing these steps consistently, you can help protect your wooden table from termite attacks and maintain its durability for a longer period of time.
