YouTube/Meirina Indah

If the stains have accumulated and are stubborn, dishwashing soap alone is still not effective enough to clean kitchen cloths.

  12 April 2024 13:00 - Kitchen towels are very useful for removing annoying stains in the kitchen, such as traces of oil, sauce, and so on. Because they are often used to remove stains, kitchen cloths automatically get dirty easily and turn rancid. That's why kitchen towels need to be washed regularly so they remain comfortable to use.

However, quite a few people fail to wash kitchen cloths , so oil stains or a rancid smell still remain. In the end, these kitchen rags that fail to be washed end up in landfills and are replaced by new kitchen rags.

Because many people only wash kitchen towels with dish soap. In fact, if the stains have accumulated and are stubborn, dishwashing soap alone is still not effective enough to clean kitchen cloths, you know. So, to make your kitchen cloth shine again, you can copy the method shared by the YouTube account owner Meirina Indah.

How to wash oily and rancid kitchen rags plus 2 kitchen ingredients.

The first step that must be prepared is a basin filled with hot water. Then dissolve a little liquid detergent in the water. Well, here's the secret, add two kitchen ingredients, namely vinegar and baking soda. These two kitchen ingredients are known to be very effective in removing stains on kitchen towels, you know.

Don't use dish soap, this is how to wash a cloth  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Meirina Indah

Stir until all the cleaning mixture is evenly mixed. Next, soak all the kitchen towels you want to wash in the cleaning mixture. Let it sit for a few minutes before checking the kitchen towel.

"Stir and soak for 20 minutes," added YouTube account owner Meirina Indah, quoted by BrilioFood on Friday (12/4).

Don't use dish soap, this is how to wash a cloth  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Meirina Indah

After soaking, I checked the kitchen cloth until there were no remaining oil stains or rancid odors. Then, rinse the kitchen cloth with running water until it is completely coarse. Finally, just hang the kitchen cloth in the sun until it's dry and ready to be used again.

Don't use dish soap, this is how to wash a cloth  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Meirina Indah

How, how practical is this to wash oily and rancid smelling kitchen cloths? Taking a peek at Meirina Indah's YouTube upload, there aren't many comments from netizens yet, but this video has been watched up to 18 thousand times, you know.

How to magic a kitchen towel to make it smell good.

You can make a fragrant kitchen cloth by using natural ingredients that are generally available in the kitchen. Here are some simple recipes that you can try.

1. Citrus kitchen cloth.

- Orange or lemon peel (peeled)
- Water
- Spray bottle

How to make:
1. Cut the orange or lemon peel into small pieces.
2. Place pieces of orange or lemon peel in a spray bottle.
3. Add water to the spray bottle until it is full.
4. Let the mixture soak for several hours or overnight.
5. Spray this solution onto your kitchen cloth before cleaning to give it a fresh aroma.

2. Lavender kitchen towel.

- Dried lavender flowers
- Hot water
- Spray bottle

How to make:
1. Put dried lavender flowers in a spray bottle.
2. Pour hot water into the spray bottle until it is full.
3. Let the mixture soak for several hours or overnight.
4. Spray this solution onto your kitchen cloth before cleaning to give it a refreshing floral aroma.

3. Cinnamon kitchen towel.

- Ground cinnamon or cinnamon sticks
- Hot water
- Spray bottle

How to make:
1. If using cinnamon sticks, break or crush them into small pieces.
2. Put the cinnamon in a spray bottle.
3. Pour hot water into the spray bottle until it is full.
4. Let the mixture soak for several hours or overnight.
5. Spray this solution onto your kitchen cloth before cleaning to give it a warm and sweet aroma.

4. Mint kitchen towel.

- Fresh or dried mint leaves
- Hot water
- Spray bottle

How to make:
1. Chop or crush fresh or dried mint leaves.
2. Put mint leaves in a spray bottle.
3. Pour hot water into the spray bottle until it is full.
4. Let the mixture soak for several hours or overnight.
5. Spray this solution onto your kitchen cloth before cleaning to give it a fresh, refreshing aroma.

By using these natural ingredients, you can make a kitchen cloth that not only cleans well but also provides a pleasant aroma in your kitchen space.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.