
BPA is commonly found in various plastic products and food packaging.

  24 Juli 2024 20:25 - Exposure to BPA during pregnancy is very dangerous for pregnant women. It is known that BPA or Bisphenol A is a synthetic chemical compound that is widely used in the production of plastics and epoxy resins. BPA exposure refers to human contact or intake of this compound through various sources in the daily environment.

BPA exposure can also cause autism in children. You need to know that autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the way a person communicates, interacts and behaves. This is because several studies have shown a relationship between exposure to the compound Bisphenol A (BPA) during pregnancy and the risk of developing ASD.

One scientific proof was carried out by the Department of Clinical Chemistry, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, in 2021. They conducted research on young mice (mice) and it could increase the risk of ASD. The results show that prenatal exposure to BPA (pregnancy) disrupts genes associated with ASD in the hippocampus prefrontal cortex, which also involves neuronal viability, neural formation processes and memory.

The next study was carried out by the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Environmental Medicine, Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. The results show that there is an influence of BPA and autism on children and pregnant women. This study involved pregnant women at 28 weeks' gestation and their children aged 2 and 5 years.

Based on data compiled by WHO or the World Health Organization, autism occurs in 1 in 160 children worldwide. Reporting from, in Indonesia, until now there is no definite data regarding the number of autism sufferers.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that exposure to BPA for pregnant women is very risky and can even cause autism in the child. Therefore, mothers must be careful about BPA exposure during pregnancy to maintain health during pregnancy . Here, has compiled from various sources, Wednesday (24/7) tips for preventing BPA exposure for pregnant women.

Tips for preventing BPA exposure during pregnancy.

Protecting the fetus from exposure to dangerous chemicals has become a top priority for pregnant women. One substance that is often of concern is Bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic compound commonly found in various plastic products and food packaging. Therefore, let's look at the discussion on how to prevent exposure to BPA during pregnancy as follows:

1. Choose food and drinks that are not packaged or in BPA plastic.

Get to know the dangers of BPA exposure during pregnancy


You should avoid food and drinks packaged in cans and plastic that contain BPA. One study from Vandenberg, LN, Maffini, MV, Sonnenschein, C., Rubin, BS, & Soto, AM (2009). Bisphenol-A and the Great Divide: A Review of Controversies in the Field of Endocrine Disruption. Endocrine Reviews, 30(1), 75-95., states that BPA can migrate from food and beverage containers into food, especially when the container is heated or contains acidic or oily foods or drinks.

2. Use cooking utensils made from safe materials.

Get to know the dangers of BPA exposure during pregnancy


Furthermore, to avoid BPA, pregnant women can choose cooking utensils made from materials that do not use BPA-based epoxy. Many cookware does not contain BPA such as stainless steel, glass, or ceramic. Of course, these materials are a safer alternative for fetal development.

3. Avoid excessive heat.

Get to know the dangers of BPA exposure during pregnancy


BPA tends to release when exposed to direct heat. Therefore, mothers should avoid plastic products or cans that contain BPA for storing hot food or drinks.

4. Pay attention to the product label.

Get to know the dangers of BPA exposure during pregnancy


Mothers-to-be must pay attention to the product label on the packaging because it impacts BPA exposure. Make sure the packaging says BPA free. Some manufacturers also provide products with a BPA-Free label as a sign that the product does not contain this dangerous substance.

5. Avoid plastic products that contain BPA

Get to know the dangers of BPA exposure during pregnancy


Avoiding plastic products that contain BPA (Bisphenol A) is very important for pregnant women to protect the health of the fetus. One study from Braun, JM, Kalkbrenner, AE, Calafat, AM, Yolton, K., Ye, X., Dietrich, KN, & Lanphear, BP (2011). Impact of early-life bisphenol A exposure on behavior and executive function in children. Pediatrics, 128(5), 873-882., states that BPA exposure in pregnant women is associated with changes in behavior and executive function in their children, especially in girls. BPA is also considered an endocrine disruptor that can interfere with hormone function, including thyroid hormone and estrogen, which are important for fetal development.

The long-term effects that BPA exposure can have during pregnancy can affect the child's brain development and behavior. Plastic products are ones that contain BPA, including drinking water bottles, food containers, the inner lining of food cans, and plastic cutlery.
