foto: Instagram/@sabakimia

The bucket lid automatically shines again.

  16 Mei 2024 16:00 - Buckets are one of the bathing equipment that needs to be kept clean. The reason is, if the bucket is dirty, the water in it will be contaminated. If this is the case, dirty water risks causing various diseases in the body.

Ideally, the bucket should be cleaned regularly once a week so that no dirt or moss sticks to the surface. But don't forget to wash the lid of the bucket too, okay? If you don't clean it, the lid of the bucket won't be free from all kinds of dirt. As a result, the appearance of the bucket lid looks dirty and filled with crust.

This was experienced by a netizen with the Instagram account name @sabakimia. Having a white bucket lid, the dirt crust is clearly visible. Some parts of the bucket lid turned yellow-brown.

"It's really dirty, Moms, dirty black crust everywhere," said the owner of the Instagram account @sabakimia, quoted by BrilioFood on Wednesday (15/5).

How to clean a bucket lid using 2 kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: Instagram/@sabakimia

Seeing this, a number of people usually rub the surface of the bucket lid using a citrus solution. After rubbing for a while, the bucket lid was as clean as when it was first purchased. Unfortunately, not everyone is suitable for exposure to citrus solutions because it causes the skin on their hands to feel itchy and even irritated.

As a solution, this netizen cleaned the bucket lid in another way. It can be seen in his video upload that he deliberately replaced citrus with two kitchen ingredients, namely dishwashing soap and baking soda.

These two kitchen ingredients are used to clean bucket lids. To do this, smooth it and rub the bucket lid with a sponge.

How to clean a bucket lid using 2 kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: Instagram/@sabakimia

Without expending extra effort, the appearance of the bucket lid immediately shines and returns to pure white. Don't forget to rub the bottom of the bucket lid too, okay? If you feel it is clean, rinse the bucket lid using running water. As a result, the bucket lid looks as clean as the first time it was purchased.

How to clean a bucket lid using 2 kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: Instagram/@sabakimia

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A post shared by Saba Kimia (@sabakimia)

Is baking soda the same as baking soda?

Baking soda (baking powder) and baking soda (baking soda) are actually two different ingredients even though both are often used in the cake making process.

1. Baking powder.

Baking powder is a mixture of baking soda, tartaric acid (cream of tartar), and other fillers such as corn flour. When baking powder is exposed to liquid or heat, it will react and produce carbon dioxide gas which makes cake dough rise. Baking powder is more practical to use because it already contains tartaric acid, so it doesn't require additional ingredients such as baking soda which requires acid to react.

2. Baking Soda.

Baking soda or baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, a chemical that is alkaline. When baking soda is mixed with acidic ingredients such as vinegar, yogurt, or lemon juice, it will react and produce carbon dioxide gas which makes cake dough rise. Baking soda is used primarily in recipes that contain acidic ingredients, such as brownies or oatmeal cookies.

So, even though these two ingredients have similar names and their function is to produce gas that makes cake dough rise, their compositions are different and are used in different situations in the cake making process.
