foto: YouTube/Papah Locna

This way, you don't need to soak a dirty mop overnight.

  13 Mei 2024 14:00 - A mop is an important household appliance . The reason is, this tool functions to clean house floors that are dirty because of dust and other stains. Because it functions as a cleaning tool, the mop also needs to be kept clean.

If not, the mop can actually become a nest for germs and fungus. Ideally, the mop should be washed with soap so that no stains stick to it. However, there are still many people who miss this routine. As a result, over time the appearance of the mop changes to become shaggy and dirty. If it's like this, the mop won't be able to function optimally, you know.

As a solution, some people choose to soak the mop before washing. There are also those who soak the mop overnight to remove stains and dirt. However, this method is quite time consuming and the mop ends up smelling musty. But don't worry, a bad mop can still be cleaned with other tricks.

As shared by YouTube user Papah Locna. In one of his uploads, he admitted that he cleaned a wool mop without the hassle of soaking it overnight. Instead, he relies on simple ingredients he has at home, namely one kitchen ingredient.

trick to whiten a wool mop using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Papah Locna

Reported by BrilioFood on Monday (13/5), the kitchen ingredient in question is dishwashing soap. Apart from that, he also uses citrus, floor cleaning fluid, bleach, cold water and hot water to remove stubborn stains on the mop.

First, prepare a bucket that is large enough. First remove the mop from the handle. If so, add enough dish soap and dissolve it in cold water until it is evenly mixed and produces foam.

trick to whiten a wool mop using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Papah Locna

Next, add floor cleaning fluid, clothes bleach, and enough hot water to the bucket. Then put in the soft mop to be washed. Make sure the mop is completely submerged and let it sit for a few moments.

"We soak it for approximately 25-30 minutes, we leave it for now," he said.

trick to whiten a wool mop using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Papah Locna

After soaking for about 30 minutes, the YouTube user rubbed and scrubbed the mop with a clothes brush. After brushing for a while, then rinse the mop with running water until it is completely clean.

trick to whiten a wool mop using additional 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Papah Locna

As a result, the mop looks much cleaner and the color is bright again, like new again. That way, you don't need to bother soaking it overnight because just soaking it for 30 minutes will completely remove the dirt on the mop.

"Cleaner, right?" he concluded.

How to deal with hands exposed to hot water

If your hands come into contact with hot water, it is important to take immediate first aid steps to ease the pain and prevent further damage. Following are the steps you can take:

1. Soak your hands in cold water.

As soon as your hands are exposed to hot water, soak them in cold water or water with ice cubes. This will help cool the burned skin and relieve pain.

2. Don't open the wound.

If there are nodules or blisters, don't open them. Leaving them intact will help protect the burned skin from infection.

3. Avoid rubbing or scratching.

Avoid rubbing or scratching the burned area. This can worsen the irritation and cause more pain.

4. Use a cold compress.

If you can't soak your hands in cold water, you can use a clean cloth dampened with cold water or a compress to apply to the burned area. But make sure not to apply excessive pressure which may cause more discomfort.

5. Drink water or take pain relievers.

Drinking water can help keep the body hydrated and help the healing process. You can take pain relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen according to the dosage instructions to relieve pain.

6. Apply cream or ointment.

Once the burned area has cooled, you can apply a cooling cream or ointment such as aloe vera or aloe vera cream to relieve irritation and speed up the healing process.

7. Consult a doctor.

If severe burns occur, such as large blisters or scalded skin, seek professional medical help immediately. They can provide appropriate treatment and ensure there is no further damage.
