foto ilustrasi: YouTube/Wijaya ngapak - Spinach, this green vegetable is known to be rich in nutrients and health benefits. Starting from vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, calcium, to potassium, all are in spinach. No wonder, spinach is often the main choice to be processed into various delicious and healthy dishes, such as clear spinach soup, stir-fried spinach, or spinach chips. However, did you know that boiling spinach should not be careless? If done wrong, spinach can actually contain toxic substances that are harmful to the body.
Why can spinach contain toxic substances?You may wonder, why can a nutrient-rich vegetable like spinach actually contain toxic substances? The answer lies in the nitrate content that is naturally found in spinach. Nitrate itself is actually not harmful to the body. However, if spinach is cooked for too long or heated repeatedly, nitrate can turn into nitrite, which is a compound that has the potential to be toxic. In addition, spinach that is cooked for too long can also experience iron oxidation, which triggers the emergence of dangerous free radicals. These free radicals can cause various health problems, including infertility and cancer. Therefore, it is important to know the right way to boil spinach to avoid these risks.
The good news is, there is a special trick to boiling spinach so that its nutrients are maintained and free from excess toxins. The key is not to boil the spinach for too long! Just 1-2 minutes, then you can get delicious, healthy, and safe spinach to consume. Curious about how? Come on, see the complete tips in this article!
The right trick for boiling spinach so that it is safe to consume.Here are the tricks for boiling spinach properly so that its nutrients are maintained and it does not contain excess toxic substances:
1. Choose Fresh Spinach: Choose spinach that is still fresh with bright green leaves that are not wilted. Avoid choosing spinach that is already yellowish or has black spots.
2. Wash Spinach : Wash spinach under running water to remove dirt and pesticides. If necessary, soak spinach in salt water for a few minutes to remove caterpillars or other animals attached to the leaves.
3. Boil Water First: Make sure the water is boiling before adding the spinach. Blanching the spinach in boiling water will help speed up the cooking process and minimize nutrient loss.
4. Boil Spinach Briefly: Boil spinach for 1-2 minutes only. Do not boil spinach for too long because it can cause loss of nutrients and the formation of toxic substances. If you want to boil spinach with a low heat, boil spinach for 1-2 minutes after the broth boils and the spices are complete, then turn off the heat.
5. Don't Reheat Spinach: Avoid reheating cooked spinach. Reheating spinach repeatedly can convert nitrates into nitrites which are harmful to health.
6. Consume Spinach Immediately After Cooking: It is best to consume spinach immediately after cooking, a maximum of 4-5 hours after processing. Avoid consuming spinach that has been cooked for more than 5 hours because the nitrate compound in spinach can turn into nitrite if exposed to air for a long time.
7. Use a Stainless Steel Pan: When cooking spinach, use a stainless steel pan or skillet to prevent it from turning black.
How to cook spinach other than boiling it.Apart from boiling, spinach can also be processed in other healthier ways, such as:
- Steamed: Steaming spinach can maintain up to 80% of its vitamin C content. Steam the spinach for 2-3 minutes until it wilts.
- Stir-fry: Stir-fry the spinach over high heat for 1-2 minutes to keep it crispy and bright green in color.
- Made into Chips: Spinach can also be fried into crispy and delicious chips. Make sure to wash and dry the spinach before frying so that it does not dry out quickly and change color.
Additional tips to keep spinach fresh and not mushy.
- Choose Fresh Spinach: Choose fresh spinach with bright green leaves that are not wilted.
- Wash Spinach with Running Water: Wash spinach with running water until clean to remove dirt and pesticides.
- Cut the spinach into fairly large pieces: Cut the spinach into fairly large pieces so that it doesn't fall apart easily when cooked.
- Add Salt or Seasoning at the End of the Cooking Process: Add salt or seasoning at the end of the cooking process so that the spinach does not wilt and become soft easily.