
Remove formalin from fresh fish with simple and safe kitchen ingredients.

  20 Maret 2025 16:00 - Formalin is usually used as a preservative or cleaning fluid. This substance is often used for disinfectant mixtures, wart medicines, and wood preservatives. Unfortunately, formalin is still often misused in food ingredients, especially in fresh fish.

Irresponsible sellers add formalin so that the fish does not rot quickly, even though it has been dead for days or even weeks. Formalin works by inhibiting the growth of microbes that cause rotting, so the fish stays fresh longer.

In fact, consuming fish containing formalin can be dangerous for health. If consumed in high amounts, formalin can damage the kidneys, liver, brain, and other vital organs. In fact, according to the Indonesian Minister of Health Regulation No. 033 of 2012 concerning Food Additives, formalin has carcinogenic properties that can increase the risk of cancer.

To avoid this danger, it is important for you to be more careful when buying fresh fish. If you are still unsure about its safety, you can do deformalization, which is the process of removing formalin content in fish. The good news is, there is an easy way to remove formalin using only 1 simple kitchen ingredient.

A YouTube user named Bunda Kabari shared the method through one of the videos she uploaded. In the video, she shows a tutorial on removing formalin from purchased sea fish .

How to remove formalin preservative from fish  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Bunda Kabari

"Usually, sea fish are already dead. Even though they are iced, traders often give formalin to these sea fish. Because sea fish have been with the fishermen for weeks and are often iced and given formalin so that they remain chewy and fresh until they reach consumers," said YouTube Bunda Kabari as quoted by BrilioFood .

Well, to remove the formalin content, he also uses cooking vinegar. So first, pour 500 ml of water into a container. Then add about 1-2 tablespoons of cooking vinegar to the water.

How to remove formalin preservative from fish  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Bunda Kabari

Next, stir until well blended. Then add the fish that has been washed and cleaned inside. Soak the fish for 30 minutes in the vinegar solution.

How to remove formalin preservative from fish  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Bunda Kabari

"To remove formalin in fish, if this fish contains formalin, yes," he explained further.

After 30 minutes, take the fish and drain it. Then wash the fish again in running water. This process will help remove any remaining vinegar and formalin. Don't worry, the taste of the fish meat will not turn sour even though it has been soaked in vinegar beforehand.

Reported from, according to a chemistry lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ITS in Surabaya, this vinegar solution can indeed reduce the level of formalin in fish by up to 99.83 percent. This significantly reduced level of formalin certainly makes fish safer to consume.

How to remove formalin preservative from fish  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Bunda Kabari

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about formalin in fish

1. How do you know if fish contains formalin?

Fish that contain formalin usually have the following characteristics:
- The aroma is not fishy or has the typical smell of fresh fish, but tends to be odorless or have a chemical smell.
- The texture of the meat is too chewy and does not crumble easily, even after several days.
- Fish eyes appear pale and dry, not clear and fresh.
- The gills are pale or grayish in color, not the bright red of freshly caught fish.
- Not easily infested by flies, because formalin is antiseptic and can repel insects.

2. Are all fish in the market susceptible to containing formalin?

Not all fish in the market contain formalin, but the risk is higher in sea fish that have been dead for a long time before reaching consumers. Fish that are stored in ice for too long are also likely to be given formalin to keep them looking fresh. To be safer, buy fish in trusted places, such as traditional markets that sell fresh fish from the latest catch.

3. Is washing fish with plain water enough to remove formalin?

No. Although washing fish with running water can reduce contamination, formalin that has been absorbed into the fish meat will not be removed with just plain water. Therefore, special methods are needed such as soaking the fish in vinegar or salt solution to help remove the remaining formalin that sticks.

4. Is vinegar really effective in removing formalin from fish?

Yes. Reported from, vinegar solution can reduce formalin levels in fish by up to 99.83%, making fish safer to consume. The acid content in vinegar works by binding formalin and helping to remove it from fish tissue.

5. Will fish that has been soaked in vinegar change its taste?

Don't worry, soaking fish in vinegar for 30 minutes will not change the taste of the fish meat. After soaking, the fish is simply washed again with running water to remove any remaining vinegar. After that, the fish can be cooked as usual without excess sourness.
