foto: Instagram/@priya_dwarke

These stains must be cleaned so that they do not interfere with the overall function of the blender.

  10 Mei 2024 12:00 - Blenders are one of the kitchen tools that are often used. With a blender, the cooking process feels faster and easier. You no longer need to spend extra energy when you want to grind various cooking ingredients.

After use, the blender must be cleaned immediately. Because if not, dirt will accumulate and even harden in the blender. Unfortunately, some people don't clean their blender properly. The part of the blender that is often cleaned is only the container or glass, not the engine. In fact, if it is used frequently, the blender machine parts will also get dirty.

This incident was experienced by an Instagram user @priya_dwarke. In his video upload, he shows the appearance of his blender machine which is filled with all kinds of dirt. To clean it, this netizen deliberately prepared a special cleaning solution. Curious about how?

How to clean a blender machine.

The cleaning materials used are easily available on the market. Moreover, the price is also relatively pocket-friendly. Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @priya_dwarke on Friday (10/5), the cleaning materials used were dish soap and vinegar.

The first step, first put dishwashing soap into a spray bottle. Because the amount needed is small, you can buy 103 ml dishwashing soap which is sold for around IDR 2,000. The rest, dishwashing soap can be used to clean other kitchen utensils.

Clean the blender machine using dish soap and vinegar  2024

photo: Instagram/@priya_dwarke

After that, pour a few drops of table vinegar as a cleaning mixture. Because the amount used is small, you can buy 60 ml vinegar. On the market, this size of vinegar is sold for around IDR 3,000. So, the total spent when mixing this cleaning solution is only IDR 5,000. Cheap, right?

Clean the blender machine using dish soap and vinegar  2024

photo: Instagram/@priya_dwarke

Add enough water then close the spray bottle. Shake until all ingredients are completely mixed. Once done, spray the cleaning solution all over the blender machine.

Clean the blender machine using dish soap and vinegar  2024

photo: Instagram/@priya_dwarke

When it is completely wet, immediately wipe the blender machine using a small spoon wrapped in a clean cloth. As a result, all the dirt between the parts of the blender machine immediately disappears and nothing remains. The blender machine looks clean and shiny like new again, right?

Clean the blender machine using dish soap and vinegar  2024

photo: Instagram/@priya_dwarke

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A post shared by Priya Dwarke (@priya_dwarke)

How to clean home furniture using table vinegar.

Cleaning home furniture using table vinegar is a natural option that is effective and environmentally friendly. Here are the steps:

1. Prepare a vinegar solution.

Mix table vinegar with water in the same ratio or as needed. You can use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar.

2. Test on a small area.

Before cleaning an entire piece of furniture with a vinegar solution, test it first on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure that the vinegar does not damage or damage the surface of the furniture.

3. Wet the rag.

Dampen a clean rag with the prepared vinegar solution. Make sure the washcloth is damp enough but not too wet.

4. Clean furniture.

Wipe the surface of the furniture with a cloth dampened with vinegar solution. Use circular motions or in the direction of the grain of the wood, depending on the type of furniture. Avoid wiping too vigorously to prevent damage.

5. Dry with a clean cloth.

After cleaning furniture with the vinegar solution, wipe the surface with a clean, dry rag to remove excess liquid and prevent residue.

By using table vinegar to clean home furniture, you can remove dirt and stains without using dangerous or potentially damaging chemicals. Make sure to follow the steps carefully and test first on a small area before doing a thorough cleaning.
