foto: Instagram/@priya_dwarke

If it's dull, it won't be comfortable to wear. Moreover, if it is served to guests or buyers, it will actually make them doubt our hygiene standards.

  3 Juni 2024 18:00 - Having clean cutlery that looks shiny is certainly the dream of many people. Therefore, make sure you immediately wash eating utensils such as spoons after every use.

But spoons that have been used for a long time can turn dull. In fact, not infrequently, some people find that the appearance of their spoon looks yellow. If it's like this, do you still want to wear it?

Unfortunately, spoons that are already dull are very difficult to clean. Even though it has been scrubbed repeatedly using dish soap, the appearance still looks dull. As a result, a number of people threw them away and bought new spoons.

However, there are ways you can clean spoons that are already dull. An Instagram user @priya_dwarke showed each step when cleaning her spoon collection. It can be seen in the video upload that this netizen only relies on one kitchen ingredient.

To clean a dull spoon, rely on kitchen ingredients.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @priya_dwarke on Monday (3/6), one kitchen ingredient used is vinegar. Because the amount used is only a small amount, you can use 150 ml of vinegar which is sold for around IDR 5,000.

Pour 1 teaspoon of vinegar into a container filled with water previously. Then stir until the two ingredients are completely mixed.

wash dull spoons using 1 kitchen ingredient  2024

photo: Instagram/@priya_dwarke

If so, put the spoon you want to wash in the vinegar solution. Press in such a way to ensure that all parts of the spoon are completely soaked in the cleaning solution.

wash dull spoons using 1 kitchen ingredient  2024

photo: Instagram/@priya_dwarke

For maximum results, let the spoon soak for a few minutes. If you feel it is clean, immediately rinse the spoon with running water. Then wipe the entire surface with a dry cloth.

wash dull spoons using 1 kitchen ingredient  2024

photo: Instagram/@priya_dwarke

The appearance of the spoon immediately seemed to change. If at first it looks dull and yellowed, a spoon that has been soaked in vinegar solution will become as shiny as when it was first bought. Reporting from, this is due to the acidic nature of vinegar which is able to dissolve dirt buildup on spoons. Interested in trying?

wash dull spoons using 1 kitchen ingredient  2024

photo: Instagram/@priya_dwarke

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