YouTube/Adinomoto Scrub

If you just force it, the lid of the gallon bottle won't move at all even if you twist it as hard as you can.

  30 Mei 2024 10:01 - Water is one of the primary needs of every human being. Therefore, water must be stocked at home. Most people choose to use gallon water as their drinking water stock.

Gallons of drinking water are usually served with a very tight lid. The goal is to ensure that the water in the gallon is not contaminated with dirt from outside the packaging.

Even so, the lid of this gallon packaging is very difficult to open. Especially if you only rely on your bare hands, the gallon bottle lid won't move at all even if you twist it as hard as you can.

As a solution, a number of people often rely on a knife or the tip of a spoon to open the gallon lid. After pressing for a while using a knife or spoon, immediately pull the tip of the gallon lid with your hand. As a result, the gallon lid opens easily.

But don't just use a knife or spoon, it turns out there are other ways that can be practiced to open the gallon lid. A YouTube user Adinomoto Scrub in his video upload replaced the knife and spoon with another simple tool.

Curious about how?

An easy way to open a gallon lid using just 1 simple tool.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Adinomoto Scrub on Thursday (30/5), one tool used is nail clippers. The first step, place the gallon on a flat, hard surface such as the floor of your house. If so, take nail scissors.

Hold the nail clippers with your right hand. Meanwhile, the left hand holds the mouth of the gallon.

trick to open the lid of a gallon bottle using nail scissors  2024

photo: YouTube/Adinomoto Scrub

If so, insert the sharp part of the nail scissors into the hole in the gallon lid. While pressing slowly until the end of the gallon opens slightly.

"If it's like this, just pull it straight away using your hands like this," said the owner of the video.

trick to open the lid of a gallon bottle using nail scissors  2024

photo: YouTube/Adinomoto Scrub

Once the tip of the gallon is removed, set the nail scissors aside. Then twist the white lid of the gallon with your bare hand.

"Just pull it around like this," he explained.

trick to open the lid of a gallon bottle using nail scissors  2024

photo: YouTube/Adinomoto Scrub

If so, pull until the gallon lid comes off completely.

trick to open the lid of a gallon bottle using nail scissors  2024

photo: YouTube/Adinomoto Scrub

Without using a knife or the tip of a spoon, it turns out that the gallon lid can be opened easily and quickly.
