foto: YouTube/MAMA ENI

Guaranteed not to be complicated to use.

  2 April 2024 15:00 - Cutlery such as spoons and forks must be kept clean so that they remain clean when used. Not only that, spoons and forks that are frequently cleaned will also look shinier. Clean eating utensils can also prevent us from various risks of disease.

Unfortunately, sometimes even though they have been washed and stored in a clean place, spoons can rust. These rust stains usually appear on spoons made from stainless steel. The causes are varied, it could be food stains that haven't been rinsed thoroughly or damp storage containers.

So, to remove rust stains, some people usually soak the spoon in hot water before washing it. The goal is that the hot water can dissolve the rust stains that are stuck to the surface of the spoon. However, this method tends to be complicated and quite time consuming.

But don't worry, there are still other, more practical tricks for removing rust stains, you know. This trick was shared by YouTube user MAMA ENI. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he could remove rust stains from spoons even if they were not soaked in hot water first. This trick makes the previously rusty spoon clean and shiny again.

Quick trick to clean rust stains on spoons using 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/MAMA ENI

Reported by BrilioFood on Tuesday (2/4), the ingredients used were vinegar and baking soda. How to clean it is also quite easy. First of all, prepare the rusty spoon to be washed. After that, prepare a bucket or basin filled with water to rinse the spoon and wire wool to scrub the rusty spoon.

Quick trick to clean rust stains on spoons using 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/MAMA ENI

If so, pour the baking soda into a small bowl. Then add one drop of vinegar. Take a rusty spoon, then scrub it with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar.

Quick trick to clean rust stains on spoons using 2 kitchen ingredients  various sources

photo: YouTube/MAMA ENI

After you have finished scrubbing, rinse the spoon with water until it is completely clean. As a result, the rust stains on the spoon completely disappeared.

"It works. So you can clean rusty things like spoons using baking soda mixed with vinegar and it's easier and it's a food ingredient so it's not dangerous," explained the YouTube user.

This quick trick for cleaning rust on spoons is quite easy and practical, right? So, after washing and rinsing, dry the spoon with a clean cloth and store it in a place that is not damp. That way, the spoon will no longer rust easily.

Since it was uploaded in January 2020, the video uploaded by the YouTube user has been watched 45 thousand times, you know. There were also several netizens who provided responses via the comments column.

"That's great, thank you for the knowledge," said the account @joyanichannel3310.

"Thank you for the knowledge," commented the account @lisnurmaini9292.

"Thank you, bro," wrote the account @warmiatiwar1793.

How to care for stainless steel furniture so it doesn't rust quickly. To care for stainless steel furniture so that it doesn't rust quickly, you can follow these simple steps:

1. Clean regularly.

Clean stainless steel furniture regularly using warm water and mild soap. Avoid using abrasive cleaning agents that can damage the stainless steel surface.

2. Dry with a clean cloth.

After cleaning, dry the stainless steel surface using a clean and soft cloth. Make sure there are no water droplets left to prevent rust.

3. Use special cleaners.

To clean stains or dirt that are difficult to remove, you can use a special cleaner for stainless steel that is available on the market. Make sure to read the instructions for use carefully before using it.

4. Avoid contact with dangerous chemicals.

Avoid contacting stainless steel furniture with dangerous chemicals or acids that can damage the protective layer of stainless steel and cause rust.

5. Use polishing glue.

To maintain the shine of the stainless steel surface, you can use special polishing glue for stainless steel regularly. Make sure to follow the instructions for use correctly.

6. Pay attention to the direction of rubbing.

When cleaning or scrubbing a stainless steel surface, always follow the direction of the lines or patterns on the stainless steel surface to avoid scratches.

7. Save properly.

Store stainless steel furniture in a dry place protected from moisture. Avoid storing stainless steel furniture in damp places or continuously exposed to water.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.