YouTube/Marianti Sukses

In fact, spoons that are stored for a long time can potentially be dirtier because they rust, you know.

  15 Februari 2024 18:00 - Keeping cutlery clean is something that must be done. Not without reason, eating utensils can become a nest for the growth of bacteria and germs if they are not cleaned properly. This then makes eating utensils a medium for spreading disease.

In order to prevent this, you must always ensure that eating utensils such as spoons are clean before using them. Even if the spoon is rarely used and only stored in the cupboard. In fact, spoons that are stored for a long time can potentially be dirtier because they rust, you know.

Rust stains on spoons usually occur on spoons made from stainless steel or metal. This condition can be caused by several things. Starting from food residue, humidity in the storage cupboard, to using a spoon for food that is too hot for a long time.

Well, what's worse, rust on spoons can get worse and spread if left alone. Therefore, if you find even a speck of rust, immediately clean the spoon. To remove this rust, some people usually use special ingredients, such as vinegar. So, the spoon will be soaked in water mixed with vinegar so that the rust can be removed.

However, if the stock of vinegar at home is running out, you can use other ingredients like what a woman named Marianti did. Through her personal YouTube account, Marianti Sukses, this woman admitted that she had a trick for cleaning rusty spoons. Well, this trick makes rusty spoons look shinier and shinier, you know.

This trick for cleaning rusty spoons is simple, just use kitchen ingredients.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Marianti Sukses on Thursday (15/2), the trick used was to soak the spoon in a cleaning solution. Meanwhile, the cleaner used is formulated from baking soda and dishwashing soap. Apart from that, he also uses citrus and warm water so that the rust can be removed quickly.

This trick for cleaning rusty spoons can be done easily, you know. First of all, prepare a wide container or bowl to soak the spoon. Make sure the size of the container is wider than the spoon you want to clean.

women's tricks for cleaning rusty spoons  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Marianti Success

After that, add enough citrus. Add baking soda and dish soap as well. Finally, dissolve all the ingredients in enough warm water. Then stir all these ingredients until evenly mixed.

women's tricks for cleaning rusty spoons  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Marianti Success

Next, insert the rusty spoon. If there are other eating utensils that are rusty, such as forks, chopsticks or knives, you can soak them too. So, after that, soak it for 10-20 minutes so that the rust stains can come off.

If it has been left to rest, take a spoon. After that, rub for a while so that the rust stains fade away. After that, rinse the spoon with running water. Once cleaned, wipe the spoon using a cloth or kitchen tissue. That way, the spoon will look really shiny.

women's tricks for cleaning rusty spoons  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Marianti Success

How about it, this trick for cleaning rusty spoons is easy to do, right? So, if you have cleaned it, make sure the spoon is stored in dry conditions. That way, spoons and other kitchen utensils will no longer rust easily.
