foto: YouTube/Caos Gaming77

Many people think that moldy gallon pumps tend to be unfit for use. Even though you just have to know the right way to clean it, you know.

  3 Juni 2024 15:00 - One of the problems with using a gallon water pump is that the hose is difficult to clean. Even though this part is always damp because it is continuously exposed to water. Well, water flowing through this hose can leave marks, which then make the hose become mossy with use.

If this condition is allowed to continue, the gallon pump hose can become dirty and no longer hygienic. As a result, many people think that gallon pumps like this tend to be unfit for use. It's not surprising that a number of people choose to throw away the pump hose and buy a new one.

Even though you know, don't you? Actually, the gallon pump hose can still be cleaned even if it is mossy. One method that is often used is to brush the inside of the hose and soak it in soapy water. This method can indeed help shed moss, but it is often troublesome because there is a special brush that must be used.

Instead, you can copy the trick for cleaning a gallon water pump hose like YouTube user Caos Gaming77 does. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he did not use a brush or soak the water pump hose to remove the moss. However, there are other tricks that can be practiced to clean the water pump hose to make it more hygienic.

Tutorial for cleaning the gallon pump hose.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Caos Gaming77, Monday (3/6), the first thing to do is remove the hose from the pump machine. After that, press the water pump hose using your index finger and thumb. Press slowly from the top end to the bottom end of the hose.

tricks for cleaning mossy gallon pump hoses  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Caos Gaming77

So, the process of pressing the pump hose will cause some of the moss and dirt in the hose to just fall out. So that the moss can fall out optimally, reinstall the hose on the pump machine as before.

tricks for cleaning mossy gallon pump hoses  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Caos Gaming77

The next step, prepare water and insert the end of the hose into the water. If so, turn on the water pump as usual to remove the remaining moss and dirt in the hose. Do this process until the water released from the pump is completely clean, indicating that the inside of the hose is also free of dirt.

tricks for cleaning mossy gallon pump hoses  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Caos Gaming77

So, the pump that has been cleaned can basically be used straight away. However, if you want to be more hygienic, you can soak the hose in hot water mixed with lemon juice. This process can make the hose more hygienic and free of bacteria. After soaking, simply rinse the hose and install it again as before.

As a preventive measure so that the hose does not become mossy, this item must always be cleaned regularly. Within one week, you need to clean the inside of the hose using hot water to prevent the inside from getting mossy. Apart from that, make sure the hose is dry after use. That way, the gallon pump hose will always be hygienic when used.
