
Don't use chili sauce, but strawberry sauce.

  16 Juni 2024 12:30

Brilio.net - If there is a quote that says "Don't judge a book by its cover," that's true. Similar to what recently went viral, there is fried chicken that looks very crispy, but the contents are truly beyond reason.

The outside looks crispy to the max, but when you eat it it actually melts in your mouth . How come?

Yup, actually the food is not fried chicken, but ice cream . Even the taste of the ice cream hasn't changed one bit, it's still dominated by sweetness. What's more interesting is that this ice cream is served with a topping of strawberry sauce which looks like chili sauce.

This snack was first made by the Mochi Creme Japanese Ice Cream Shop in the Philippines. Then because it was unique, this fried chicken ice cream went viral in various parts of the world, including Indonesia. Apart from its shape being similar to fried chicken, you will also get the sensation of a sweet taste and crunchy texture in one bite when you eat this snack.

If you haven't had time to buy it, here are a series of ways to make fried chicken ice cream, as reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @mr.hana on Sunday (16/6).

- 2 chocolate wafers or Beng-beng
- Vanilla ice cream
- White chocolate
- Cornflakes

1. Take out 2 chocolate wafers or Beng-beng, put them on a plate.

Kentucky Fried Chicken Ice Cream  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@mr.hana

2. Then cover the entire surface of the chocolate wafer with vanilla ice cream. Press gently with your hands. Shape it in such a way that it looks like a chicken thigh.

Kentucky Fried Chicken Ice Cream  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@mr.hana

3. When the chicken thighs are ready, put them in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Kentucky Fried Chicken Ice Cream  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@mr.hana

4. While waiting, melt the white chocolate in the microwave. Set it aside first.

Kentucky Fried Chicken Ice Cream  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@mr.hana

5. On the other side, put the cornflakes in another bowl. Blend with a pestle.

Kentucky Fried Chicken Ice Cream  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@mr.hana

6. Next, remove the ice cream from the refrigerator. Cover in the melted white chocolate.

Kentucky Fried Chicken Ice Cream  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@mr.hana

7. Once done, add the bowl containing the cornflakes. Spread with your hands until it covers the entire surface of the ice cream.

Kentucky Fried Chicken Ice Cream  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@mr.hana

8. Next, put the ice cream back in the refrigerator for a few minutes so that the results are optimal.

Kentucky Fried Chicken Ice Cream  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@mr.hana

9. After letting it rest for a few minutes, take it out and the fried chicken ice cream is ready to be served.

Kentucky Fried Chicken Ice Cream  2024 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@mr.hana
