
It doesn't just damage the eyes which results in blindness. Exposure to cellphone light at night also triggers various other problems.

  1 Juli 2024 14:45 - Cell phones have many benefits for humans. Not only is it a communication tool, through cellphones you can access various things ranging from education, entertainment, to even earning income through your device. It's not surprising that today's people never let go of their cellphones.

Not infrequently, there are also people who when they wake up the first thing they look for is their cell phone . There are even those who have to play on their cell phones before going to bed until they fall asleep. If this is allowed to continue, it can have fatal consequences on health.

The habit of frequently playing on your cell phone at night, especially carrying it to bed, turns out to have a bad impact on your health . It doesn't just damage the eyes which results in blindness. Exposure to cellphone light at night also triggers various other problems.

So what are the effects of exposure to cellphone light at night which triggers these various diseases? Come on, take a peek at the complete review as compiled by from various sources on Monday (1/7).

The impact of exposure to cell phone light at night

The impact of exposure to cell phone light at night  2024

The impact of exposure to cell phone light at night

1. Type 2 diabetes.

Adapting from Medical Daily data, people who are exposed to bright cellphone light at night can be at risk of developing serious illnesses, including triggering diabetes mellitus. The Medical Daily study involved approximately 85,000 healthy adults without diabetes.

Furthermore, research from Flinders University in Australia found that exposure to light between 00.30 in the morning and 06.00 in the morning can increase the risk of developing diabetes by 67%. Not only that, in the journal The Lancet Regional Health, researchers wrote that there was a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes in people who were exposed to brighter night light.

The light exposure is captured through a device that is exposed to the wrist and then contains a silicon photodiode light sensor with a peak sensitivity wavelength of 560 nm. The results are changes in insulin secretion and glucose metabolism caused by disruption of the circadian rhythm, thereby affecting the body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels. In the end, if it continues, it can cause type 2 diabetes.

2. Circadian rhythm disturbances.

Exposure to cellphone light at night causes the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates a person's sleep cycle. Normally the body produces the hormone melatonin in small amounts during the day. Then the number increases at certain times, then reaches its peak at midnight.

If you are exposed to cell phone light at night, your sleep schedule will be disrupted so that your body cannot reset your sleep schedule properly. Based on the National Institute of General Medical Sciences website, it explains that excessive exposure to cellphone light, namely blue light at night, can cause changes in circadian rhythms. As a result, it can disrupt sleep and cause chronic diseases such as depression, obesity, and bipolar disorder.

3. Damage to the retina.

Exposure to cellphone light at night can trigger retinal damage. The reason is that blue light can enter the eyes. Unfortunately, the human eye cannot protect blue light from entering the eye. These rays usually come from the sun or electronics such as cellphones.

In a Harvard University study, exposure to blue light has long been known as light that is quite dangerous for eye health. Because, when exposed to light, it enters the retina, causing long-term damage in the form of damage.

Excessive exposure to cellphone light at night can increase eye health problems such as glaucoma, macular degeneration and degenerative retinal disease. If left unchecked, these blue light waves are associated with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which leads to loss of the ability to see.

The impact of exposure to cell phone light at night  2024

The impact of exposure to cell phone light at night

4. Risk of developing cataracts.

The eye lens is actually able to filter short light waves effectively. This can protect the retina from blue light damage. However, when it provides a protective effect on the retina, the lens of the eye actually experiences a decrease in transparency or changes color which can cause cataracts. Therefore, you need to reduce cell phone use at night, especially before bed, to reduce the risk of developing cataracts.

5. Makes your eyes tired easily.

Spending too much time in front of screens on cellphones and other electronic devices can trigger eye fatigue. Even though it is not dangerous, this impact can affect your productivity. The reason is that it can cause several symptoms, for example blurred vision, difficulty focusing, irritation and dry eyes, headaches, and even headaches.

Well, exposure to cell phone light, especially at night, is the main factor in someone experiencing eye fatigue.

6. Triggers skin problems.

According to the Ministry of Health's website, the impact of exposure to cellphone light at night for too long can trigger damage to skin cells. As a result, it causes the skin to age itself. Because exposure to blue light can accelerate the breakdown of collagen and skin elasticity, which has the function of tightening the skin to make it look younger.

How to reduce the habit of exposure to cellphone light at night.

1. Routinely rest your eyes by reducing screen time.

2. Use an anti-radiation filter on the cellphone screen.

3. Wear anti-radiation glasses to block blue light.

4. Wear anti-reflective lenses to reduce glare.

5. As much as possible, after coming home from work, don't immediately play on your cellphone. But drink, rest for a while, or even invite the family to talk.

6. Turn off all electronics at least 30 minutes to 1 hour before bed. Don't forget, also turn off the main lights and use a night light when you want to sleep.
