
Keeping cats has a good impact on health, especially mental health.

  27 Juni 2024 13:24 - Stress is an issue that is often discussed on social media. Stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by difficult situations. In fact, stress is a natural human response that encourages us to overcome challenges and threats in life. However, the way you respond to stress makes a big difference to your mental state.

Stress actually has an effect on the mind and body. Slight stress levels can help in carrying out daily activities. However, excessive levels of stress will cause physical and mental health problems.

Stress also makes it difficult for you to relax and can cause various expressions such as anger, anxiety and irritability. When you are stressed, it will be more difficult for you to concentrate. Signs that you are experiencing stress include headaches, body aches, stomach aches, and difficulty sleeping. Stressful situations also cause mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.

According to WHO, nearly 1 billion people around the world experience stress and this results in mental health conditions. In Indonesia, according to the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas), it shows that more than 19 million people aged over 15 years experience mental emotional disorders, and more than 12 million people aged over 15 years experience depression.

Apart from that, based on the Sample Registration System carried out by the Research and Development Agency in 2016, data on suicides was obtained per year for 1,800 people or every day 5 people commit suicide. From this data, it was also found that 47.7 percent of suicide victims were mostly aged 10-39 years, which is the age of teenagers and productive age.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that stress cannot be underestimated or underestimated. Apart from medical treatment, there are other ways to reduce stress, one of which is keeping animals such as cats.

It turns out that keeping a cat has benefits for mental health. What are they? The following is a complete review that summarized from various sources, Thursday (27/6).

7 Benefits of keeping a cat for mental health.

7 benefits of keeping a cat for mental health


Keeping cats has a good impact on health, especially mental health. The benefits of keeping a cat for mental health are as follows:

1. Improves mood and reduces stress.

Launching from, several studies have shown that cats have a calming and stress-reducing effect on health. Keeping a cat can reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 30 percent. In fact, watching cat videos can reduce stress.

2. Reduce feelings of anxiety.

7 benefits of keeping a cat for mental health


Anxiety and depression are two very common mental health conditions experienced by many people around the world. By keeping a cat, it will be useful to not feel alone and provide a sense of comfort and friendship. Holding, petting, snuggling, or simply sitting with your cat can significantly reduce feelings of anxiety. The presence of a cat can divert excessive thoughts, even if only for a moment.

3. Promote healthier habits.

Keeping a cat can help you live a healthy life. You will be motivated to wake up early and pack the things around you well and provide food for the cat, thereby increasing productivity and feeling happy every day.

4. Supports recovery from psychological trauma and mental illness.

7 benefits of keeping a cat for mental health


Keeping cats is often claimed to help recovery from psychological trauma and mental illness. Cats are often used as therapy animals in hospitals, physical therapy sessions, long-term care facilities, and other medical settings to help patients recover physically, mentally, and emotionally. Cats are also known to be especially helpful for children with Autism, ADHD, and other cognitive conditions by encouraging positive social interactions.

5. Improve sleep quality.

Launching from, research shows that bringing cats closer will result in a better night's sleep. Cat habits are actually quite unique. This pet falls asleep very easily so it makes you comfortable with him.

6. Able to give a feeling of calm.

7 benefits of keeping a cat for mental health


Cats often have a calming presence. Their soft sounds, light movements, and unique behavior can give a sense of peace around the house. For many people, sitting with a cat or simply watching a cat sleep peacefully on the sofa can be a moment of relaxation that is very helpful in producing a feeling of calm.

7. Increase self-esteem.

Caring for a cat gives the feeling that one is needed by another living creature. Cats need attention, food and affection, which teaches their owners to feel valuable and play an important role in their pet's life. This is what makes feelings of self-esteem rise and you feel needed by other creatures.
