
In addition to heart attacks, there are other causes that can cause pain in the chest.

  26 Juni 2024 21:45 - Chest pain is a symptom that some people may have experienced. As the name suggests, chest pain is a condition where the chest area feels sore or painful. The pain felt can vary, from dull to sharp pain like being stabbed.

In other conditions, this pain can feel like the chest is being crushed and cause a burning sensation . Chest pain can also spread to other parts of the body such as the neck, jaw, and even back areas such as the back and arms.

In general, chest pain is caused by a heart attack (coronary heart disease), which is a serious problem and must be treated. Based on the Global Burden of Disease and Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) 2014-2019, heart disease is the highest cause of death in Indonesia. Heart attacks can cause pain in the chest.

However, a heart attack is not the only cause of chest pain. For this reason, you should not easily assume that if you feel chest pain it is classified as a heart attack.

The seven causes of chest pain and how to treat them have been summarized by from various sources, Wednesday (26/6).

Causes of chest pain.

7 Causes of chest pain and how to treat it


The cause of chest pain can be other than a heart attack. The diseases that cause chest pain are as follows:

1. Acid reflux.

Reporting from, chest pain can be caused by stomach acid rising into the esophagus. Increased stomach acid can cause a burning sensation in the chest which people often mistake for a heart attack. In addition, stomach acid that rises into the esophagus can stimulate the nerves in the area, resulting in a sensation of pain or discomfort which is often localized in the chest.

2. Esophageal spasm.

Esophageal spasm, also known as esophageal spasm, is a condition in which the muscles in the wall of the esophagus (esophagus) experience uncoordinated or excessive contractions. This condition can cause quite intense sensations of chest pain and is often mistaken for a heart problem because the symptoms are similar to angina (chest pain due to lack of blood supply to the heart).

3. Gallbladder disease.

Gallbladder disease can also cause chest pain. This is caused by the formation of gallstones which causes sudden attacks and pain in the upper stomach or chest area. Gallstones stuck in the bile duct or gallbladder can produce intense painful sensations.

4. Costochondritis.

Costochondritis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the breastbone. This condition can cause sharp chest pain or specific pain in the rib area, especially in the front of the chest.

5. Pericarditis.

Pericarditis is inflammation of the pericardium, the thin layer that lines the heart. This condition can cause chest pain such as sharp pain, burning sensation, and pressure in the chest.

6. Pneumonia.

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. When someone has pneumonia, this infection can cause inflammation of the lung tissue which results in various symptoms, including chest pain.

7. Pulmonary embolism.

Pulmonary embolism is a condition in which there is a sudden blockage of the pulmonary arteries, usually caused by a blood clot that breaks loose from a blood vessel in another part of the body (usually from a blood vessel in the leg or pelvis). When these blood clots reach the pulmonary arteries, they can cause a variety of symptoms, including chest pain that can be very severe and even life-threatening.

How to treat chest pain.

7 Causes of chest pain and how to treat it


How to treat chest pain depends on the cause. However, in general you can overcome chest pain in the following ways:

1. Rest and avoid heavy physical activity.

Get enough rest and avoid strenuous physical activity or lifting heavy weights which can worsen chest pain.

2. Use of pain relievers.

Use pain medication such as paracetamol or ibuprofen which can reduce mild to moderate chest pain.

3. Compress warm or cold water.

You can also compress the painful chest area to reduce the uncomfortable sensation and improve blood flow.

4. Consume water.

Maintaining and ensuring the body remains well hydrated can help reduce the risk of irritation to the respiratory tract and reduce muscle tension in the chest.
