Heart examination is important to determine the health level of this vital organ.

  27 Juni 2024 09:00

Brilio.net - Heart disease is a medical condition or disorder that occurs in several parts of the heart, such as disorders of the heart's blood vessels, heart lining, heart valves and heart muscle. This disease can occur due to various factors, for example a blockage in the heart blood vessels, inflammation, infection, or congenital abnormalities.

According to the Ministry of Health website (Kemkes.go.id), heart disease is the number one cause of death throughout the world. Especially attacking the productive age group. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 17 million people in the world die from heart and blood vessel disease.

Meanwhile, in Indonesia, in 2022, cardiovascular disease could reach 651,481 people per year, including 245,343 deaths from coronary heart disease, 50,620 deaths from hypertension, and 331,345 deaths from stroke.

Furthermore, based on BPJS data in November 2022, it shows that the cost of health services for heart and blood vessel diseases could account for half of the total costs, estimated at IDR 10.9 trillion with a total of 13,972,050 cases. Examining this data, it can be seen that heart disease is very deadly and stalks anyone.

Therefore, to take steps to prevent the risk of heart disease, you need to know how to check your heart easily. The hope is that this method can help you care more about your body's health, including your heart. So how do you do it?

The following is a complete review of how to easily check your own heart health , reported by brilio.net from various sources on Wednesday (26/6).

How to check your own heart health easily.

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photo: freepik.com

The way to accurately check heart health is usually through a medical check-up at a health facility. However, there are several ways you can do it yourself to check whether your heart is healthy or not. Ways to check heart health include:

1. Check your heart rate by feeling your own pulse.

The first way you can check your heart health is by DANCING or feeling your own pulse. Adapted from the Antara News page, this method was revealed by Professor of Arrhythmia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Dr. Yoga Yuniadi, Sp.JP(K) said, DANCING or feeling one's own pulse can be done by individuals to detect possible heart rhythm disorders.

Steps that can be taken are that you can use your index finger and middle finger to find the pulse on the inside of your wrist. Then feel whether your heartbeat is regular or not, how fast it beats.

Count the number of beats you feel every 10 seconds. Next, multiply the number six times to get the heart rate per minute (beats per minute/bpm).

Generally, a healthy heart has a beat of around 6-100 bpm. If you exceed this weight, you may have heart rhythm problems. If this happens, immediately check your heart health at the nearest health service.

2. Measure the body's energy.

The next way, you can check whether your heart has problems or not by doing heavy work. If you are not strong enough to do heavy work, your heart health may decline. People with healthy hearts on average have enough energy so they don't get tired easily.

3. Check your oral health.

Oral health is quite correlated with heart health. This is because oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream, causing inflammation of the arteries and plaque buildup.

So, when a gum infection occurs due to bacteria, which is characterized by sore and bleeding gums, it can be an early sign of heart disease. Therefore, it is important to maintain oral and dental hygiene to reduce the risk of heart disease.

4. Don't get short of breath easily.

Generally, people who often have difficulty breathing may be at risk of heart disease. To check this, you can try going up and down stairs, running normally or climbing a steep path. People who have a healthy heart condition are usually free from shortness of breath, although sometimes they still have difficulty breathing.

5. Chest pain is not easy.

If you feel pain on the left side of your chest, it could be an early symptom of a problem with your heart. Moreover, the pain that is felt often appears. However, if you never or rarely feel pain in that area, your heart condition is still normal.

6. Check nail health.

Even though it's trivial, don't underestimate it, nails are an indicator to check heart health. If the nail color tends to be purplish, it could indicate a heart problem. Normal people usually have reddish and bright nails.

Tips for caring for heart health.

how to easily check your own heart health  2024 freepik.com

photo: freepik.com

Instead of getting heart disease, you should take care of your heart health. The method is quite easy and not expensive, you just need to be consistent to do this, including:

1. Exercise regularly every day, at least 30 minutes. Or at least 2 to 3 times a week.

2. Consume balanced nutritious food. For example, eat vegetables, fruit, and avoid junk food.

3. Stop smoking.

4. Manage stress well. For example, do relaxation techniques, personal journaling, or just take a walk in nature. This method can make you feel relaxed so you can heal yourself from existing stress.

5. Stay away from alcoholic drinks.
