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Cassava is a tuber that is rich in fiber and can help regulate sugar levels.

  28 Mei 2024 06:00

Brilio.net - Cassava or known as Manihot esculenta, is a tuber plant originating from the American continent, specifically from Brazil. The cassava plant was cultivated by the Maya people in Yucatan, Mexico. Cassava plants have spread throughout the world, including to Indonesia, Africa, Madagascar, India and China.

The cassava plant has several edible parts, including the tubers or roots which are rich in carbohydrates but little protein and the leaves which contain the amino acid methionine and can be used as vegetables. Cassava tubers can be processed into various dishes such as snacks, cakes, pudding, bread, and others.

But did you know that cassava has other benefits? Cassava also has benefits for body health. With its diverse nutritional content, cassava can be a valuable addition in promoting health.

Cassava is a tuber that is rich in fiber. Cassava can also help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Additionally, cassava contains resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested and acts similarly to fiber in the body. Therefore it can feed the beneficial bacteria in the intestines and improve digestion.

Reported by brilio.net from tuasaude.com, here are 10 health benefits of cassava, a superfood that can fight stomach cancer.

1. Increase energy and mood

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Cassava contains a number of important nutrients that can support brain health and mood, such as vitamin B6, magnesium and folate. Apart from that, cassava also contains complex carbohydrates which can help keep blood sugar levels stable. Extreme blood sugar fluctuations can affect a person's mood, so keeping blood sugar stable can help keep your mood stable.

Cassava can be a good food addition for people who exercise frequently or work with high activity, such as construction workers, mail carriers, farmers, and others.

2. Prevent cardiovascular disease

Cassava contains a lot of fiber like compounds that can help reduce fat absorption. So the cassava content helps reduce LDL cholesterol in the blood, which can prevent diseases such as heart attacks, atherosclerosis and stroke.

In addition, cassava also contains potassium and magnesium, minerals that help eliminate excess sodium in urine and promote relaxation of blood vessels. This can help prevent high blood pressure.

3. Helps manage diabetes

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Cassava can help manage diabetes because it contains fiber and resistant starch. The content in cassava helps reduce the speed of absorption of sugar into the blood, which can increase glucose levels in a more balanced manner. Apart from that, cassava contains various important nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. The content of thiamine, phosphorus, calcium and riboflavin in cassava can help manage diabetes.

4. Improve digestion

Cassava is rich in fiber, which is a type of carbohydrate that the human body cannot digest. Fiber helps facilitate digestion and prevent constipation. Cassava contains resistant starch which is very easily digested by the body, improving intestinal health by maintaining good bacteria in the intestines. Apart from that, the fiber in cassava dissolves easily in water, thereby helping the absorption of toxins that enter the digestive tract. In this way, the health of the digestive system can be maintained.

5. Improves healthy skin, nails and hair

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Cassava is rich in vitamin C which is very important for the production and absorption of collagen. Collagen is needed to maintain and increase the elasticity of skin and hair, and to make nails less prone to breaking.

6. Helps weight loss

9 Benefits of cassava for health freepik.com

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Cassava contains complex carbohydrates that are not quickly digested by the body. These complex carbohydrates can help you lose weight by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing the desire to overeat. Additionally, cassava has low fat and calorie content, making it a good choice for a weight loss program.

7. Strengthens the immune system

Cassava strengthens the immune system with vitamin C and iron which helps strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C and iron in cassava play an important role in fighting infections and speeding up the healing process, as well as strengthening the immune system as a whole.

8. Prevents some types of cancer

Cassava contains phytochemical compounds such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and saponins, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Several types of cancer that are said to be preventable by consuming cassava include colon cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer. The antioxidant compounds in cassava can help fight free radicals in the body which can damage cells and cause the development of cancer.

9. Prevent constipation

Cassava contains soluble and insoluble fiber which can help increase the volume and softness of stool, thereby facilitating bowel movements and preventing constipation. Apart from that, cassava also contains a number of vitamins and minerals that are important for digestive health, such as vitamin C and vitamin B6. Vitamin C helps increase iron absorption and maintains healthy tissue in the digestive tract, while vitamin B6 aids in carbohydrate and protein metabolism, which can support healthy digestive function.

However, it is important to remember that consuming cassava should be part of a balanced diet, which includes a variety of foods and nutrients that are important for overall mental and emotional health. Other factors such as exercise, adequate sleep, stress management, and social support are also very important for maintaining good mental health.
